
Work-Life Balance Statistics: How Women Divide Their Time

Between Work and Family

A balanced lifestyle with time for both work and life responsibilities is important for overall well-being and happiness. However, personal experiences and research show achieving true work-life balance can be challenging in today’s constantly connected world. This article will explore important statistics around work-life harmony and imbalance, along with generational differences.

1 Work Hour Trends Among Working Women

  • On average, full-time female employees in the US work 42.7 hours per week[As of 2021, the average hours worked by full-time female employees in the US is 42.7 hours per week].
  • Long work weeks vary by occupation – For example, managers average 46.4 hours, lawyers average 46.9 hours, and registered nurses average 38.6 hours per week.[CNBC article on work-life balance statistics]
  • Younger generations born in the 80s and 90s expect more flexibility and are less willing to work extreme hours than Baby Boomers. A recent Forbes article explored this trend among Gen Z specifically.[Forbes article on work-life balance trends among Gen Z]
  • The shift to remote work during COVID-19 has enabled many to spend less time commuting but has also blurred boundaries between home and office life.

2 Balancing Responsibilities

According to a Psychology Today post, trying to achieve a perfect work-life balance is actually a myth since life is not static or easily scheduled.[Psychology Today post on why work-life balance is a myth] Working women, in particular, have to balance commitments like:

  • Parenting responsibilities if they have children
  • Caring for elderly parents or relatives
  • Managing domestic tasks like cooking, cleaning, bill paying, etc.

Juggling multiple roles can lead to chronic stress if not managed properly.

3 Mental Health Statistics

  • The American Institute of Stress reports that approximately 80% of workers feel stressed by their jobs, and over half (51%) of all employees say work is a significant source of stress in their lives.[[Source: American Institute of Stress]]
  • In a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 47% of working women reported symptoms of depression compared to 38% of working men due to pressure at work.[[Source: American Psychological Association]]
  • Common coping mechanisms used by stressed employees include eating or drinking more (36%), increasing TV or social media time (31%), and smoking or tobacco use (22%).[[Source: American Psychological Association]]

4 Physical Health Impact

  • Research shows working long hours (over 50 hours per week) is associated with a 33% higher risk of strokes and a 13% higher risk of coronary heart disease compared to a 35-40 hour workweek.[[Source: American Heart Association]]
  • Sleep deprivation caused by constant work pressure and responsibilities leads to weight gain and higher obesity rates among time-strapped professionals.
  • Only 25% of full-time employees get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week due to little personal time.[[Source: American Psychological Association]]

5 Down Time Activities

  • On average, Americans spend 2.8 hours per day socializing and relaxing, up to 1.5 hours per day on hobbies, and under 30 minutes daily unwinding with activities like yoga or meditation.[[Source: American Time Use Survey, 2018]]
  • Common recreational activities pursued for stress relief include spending time with friends/family, sports/exercise, reading, gardening, or other outdoor activities.


Achieving work-life balance looks different for everyone at various stages of life and career. However, prioritizing well-being and time for recovery away from job pressures is important for both physical and mental health, as evidenced by the extensive statistics covered in this article.

In today’s fast-paced climate, where technology blurs the lines between professional and personal responsibilities, it’s crucial to set boundaries. Small steps like shutting off email notifications in the evenings or on weekends can make a difference. Employers also play a role in supporting employees’ work-life integration through flexible policies.

Overall, remembering that happiness, health, and relationships should not be compromised at the altar of constant work is key. Making conscious choices daily to incorporate time for meaningful leisure activities, self-care, family, and the important people/things in our lives outside of careers can significantly improve well-being and resilience over the long run. Achieving balance is an ongoing process that requires discipline and commitment to one’s true priorities.


  • How to achieve work-life balance? Prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, minimizing overtime, and scheduling time for hobbies and relationships.
  • What are the signs of poor work-life balance? Fatigue, irritability, difficulty sleeping, low self-esteem, relationship/family problems, and health issues like weight gain.
  • How do managers support employee work-life balance? Flexible schedules, promoting coordination to avoid after-hours emails/calls, role-modeling balanced behavior, and providing wellness resources.
  • Is it possible to have both career success and work-life balance? Yes, but it requires discipline, focus on long-term priorities, and realizing external success does not define well-being or happiness.
  • What are some effective time management strategies? Having clear priorities, minimizing time wasters, scheduling personal/family time first before work obligations, and saying “no” when needed.