The white snake is a Chinese legend that is also called Madam White Snake, but does this mean that the white snakes do not exist in the real world in which we live? White snakes are not just a legend since they can easily be found in different areas around the world, but what makes them unique and completely different from other normal snakes is that they have a white skin and are extremely rare. White snakes are not common and they are found in small numbers making them catchier and more interesting for many people. Snakes are not usually interesting and they are scary for many people especially those who are not courageous enough and do not like the wildlife with its fascinating animals and other beautiful creatures, but when it comes to something unique like white snakes, then you will find many people who are curious about these snakes and how they look even those who do not like snakes and find that they are scary will seek to get more information about them.
♦ What are the characteristics of white snakes?
There are more than 2,900 species of snakes in the whole world and they differ in their characteristics that vary according to the places in which they live. White snakes almost have the same characteristics of the normal snakes, but the main difference between both of them is the color of the skin as the white snakes which are considered to be rare have a pale skin that makes these snakes susceptible to different skin problems if they are exposed to direct sunlight.
♦ White snakes in different colors
Although the white snakes have the same skin color, they differ in the color of their eyes. There are white snakes with blue eyes, while there others with red, black, grey or green eyes. The color of eyes is not the only thing to be different as the skin color can also vary from one snake to another. There are white snakes which are completely white, while there are others that have the white color of their skin mixed with another color or more than one color such as the black color, brown and pink.
♦ What do the white snakes eat?
White snakes are exactly the same like the normal snakes since they eat frogs, lizards, small mammals, insects, fish, snails, eggs, birds, small mammals and other small animals even small snakes. The size and amount of what the white snakes eat is usually decided by the size of the white snake itself which means that the eating habits are not the same among the white snakes.