Web Hosting Reviews

WebHostingPad Review | Warning >>> The Worst Company We Tried!

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Web Hosting Pad is Not Recommended … Read To Know What to Use Instead?


Editorial WebHostingPad Review:

WebHostingPad  was established in 2005 being a divison of Omnis ‘network’ that founded1999.

WebHostingPad was made because of the increasing demand for cheap web hosting with a price in which everybody is able to pay to get their part of the internet. Instead we recommend iPage company.

WebHostingPad Review of Features:

WebHostingPad provide shared web hosting basic package with unlimited storage space, unlimited bandwidth, webhostingpad unlimited domains hosting, unlimited mySQL databases (which we found then is WRONG and just said for marketing their services, its bandwidth and storage are limited and not enough for most websites – Read their fine prints to get the truth).

webhostingpad scam WebHostingPad Review | Warning >>> The Worst Company We Tried! - 1

Webhostingpad Uptime & Reliability:

WebHostingPad uptime guarantee states a 99.9% server uptime and connection service to its users. (That’s all is WRONG – as our uptime tests and from our customers reviews, we found that their uptime is not more than 70% which is very BAD …)

While WebHostingPad promises its up-time, they post limitations on the guarantee including fiber optic basic line cuts, backbone supplier problems, as well as any connection troubles in data center.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee:

WebHostingPad offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. (But this is another BAD of Web Hosting Pad. many of our customers said that this company withdraw from their cards even if they cancelled their accounts…)

*** What is BAD with Web Hosting Pad?

Some users may ask: What are webhostingpad complaints (webhostingpad problems)?  Is webhostingpad scam?

Really we have detected many negative points in Web Hosting Pad and so we can’t recommend them.

** Also we found WebHostingPad to offer hosting in different names:

Example it also offer hosting using another website www.greenvillehost.com which is the same company. Check this page and this one .

Webhostingpad Review of Customer Support:

Web Hosting Pad states 24/7 customer support with their web hosting services including phone support.

You may also submit a ticket when you need support.

Many useful resources as well as a knowledge base will be accessed in the support page.

Most of their users experienced late replies and sometimes no reply.

Conclusion of These WebHostingPad Reviews:

WebHostingPad isn’t the greatest hosting company you can get. But if you are looking for cheap web hosting company and at the same time offer quality features and more reliability, then GO for iPage hosting company.

Web Hosting Pad Review

Elizabeth Henderson

Introducing Elizabeth Henderson, an experienced technology blogger with 11 years of expertise. Covering web hosting, cybersecurity, AI, software development, and more, Elizabeth Henderson provides valuable insights and practical advice to readers worldwide. Stay informed and inspired with Elizabeth Henderson's engaging blog articles, designed to help you navigate the dynamic world of technology. Join the tech-savvy community and unlock the full potential of innovation with Elizabeth Henderson as your trusted guide.


  1. Be careful with WebHostingPad. They offer you the moon today, and then just change their policies. I was in the middle of a web chat with their tech department, when it suddenly shuts down. When I went back to the site to reinitialize the web chat, they no longer offered it as an option. They just cancelled the service in the middle of a web chat!
    Two weeks ago, they took out all my sites when they had a network crash. Since then I’ve had all sorts of problems, and their support has been useless.
    I have almost two years left on my account, and I’m planning on walking away from it because of all the problems.

  2. Totally inefficient web-host. Besides keeping card information on record, charges were actually made after requests (yes, more than one request) had been made to cancel the account. I have decided to cancel the account as it is impossible to get any responses for support and such. Do not use this host! Their support team consist of many people and no ownership of issues. As such, in the end, I had like 4 different people asking me for the same piece of cancellation information and ultimately, a botched cancellation and unauthorized charge. Worst hosting ever!!

  3. Hello,
    I wanted To warn you guys from dealing with webhostingpad.com
    The are the scammers No.1 and they really know how to manipulate their rules,So you’ll be working against it.which will lead for a stupid excuse to steal your money.

    Thank you

    Tags: webhostingpad.com webhostingpad WHP fraud scam

  4. My site was doing much better than I had expected, Their terms state that when your site has too much traffic that you can request to pay for more resources. Well apparently they do not offer more resources. When I asked them my site was suddenly suspended without warning.

    Spent a week trying to get my files back from them and they have refused to refund my money, which sucks because I just renewed a 3 year contract with them.

    Their support staff and managers have been very rude, have lied to me multiple times, and have yet to give me an explanation for my site suspension.

    I’m currently filing a complaint with the BBB and will be seeking legal restitution from them as well.

    STAY AWAY!!!

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