The interior wall of your house is one of the most effective things in the house decoration because it occupies a large area of the vacuum and it is the first thing our eyes see while entering the house. Those who like to renew their home decoration are usually advised to change the walls’ decor as it has a great impact on the sense of renewal. There are so many ways to decorate the walls of your house to give your house a brilliant view.
Many of these ideas are very simple and you can apply them by yourself to add your amazing touch to your house, others are so gorgeous but so complicated to do alone so you will need a decoration designer to help you but be sure that you will get a magnificent result at the end. Some of the simple ways to decorate the walls are to select some beautiful paints and put them beside each other in a certain order in spite of being so simple idea, it will give your wall a great view especially when you care about the harmony between the colors of the paints and the walls.
Tapestry is one of the finest wall decorations for your walls, a tapestry is a group of colorful curtains which is ornamented and embroidered with so luxurious and valuable dappling. Shelves are considered also as one of the most distinctive ways of wall decorations they add a beautiful and wonderful elegance to your walls.
Be careful in choosing the colors of the wall paints choose either warm or cold colors you have the red color, the orange, the yellow they are warm and fantastic colors, you also can choose the blue, or the green which is called the cold colors and they always suits the walls of the living room for their great impact on people psyche. All of them are wonderful colors but the most important thing is to choose the colors that integrate with each other so that you can move from one room to another without feeling that you dislike the big divergence of colors.
Wallpapers nowadays have become one of the latest fashion of wall decoration, sometimes we find it more beautiful and more expensive than paints. It is an ideal way to hide the imperfections of the wall surface and it protects the walls from coldness too. In addition to its ability to create relaxation, comfort, and distinctive elegance. Wallpapers are decorated with many beautiful paints of flowers, nature, and cartoon characters for kids.
You have to know that large drawings don’t suit the small rooms but you should choose the drawings of an outstanding depth as they make you feel that they push the walls so farther from their real positions increasing the size of the space.