Categories: Lifestyle

Unbelievable & Creative Methods for Cheating on Exams

Cheating on exams is a traditional phenomenon that we used to witness when there is an exam. It is not necessary for the exam to be difficult to see students trying to cheat from their colleagues as they prepare for that and decide to cheat before even knowing what the questions of the exams are going to be about. Cheating in fact seems to be very helpful for the students who do not care about studying. It saves their time, does not tire their minds, allows them to enjoy their time and helps them to get high marks easily without even opening their books. But what you do not know is that the habit of cheating creates the worst character in the world.

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The catastrophe comes when you are caught while cheating because the simplest thing that may happen to you is that you will be banned from the school or the university for a year. Not only that, but you may be also deprived of taking the exam at another school or university. It means that your future will be destroyed in addition to the bad traits that you will acquire such as being careless, dishonest, indifferent and other bad traits that cannot be accepted in our society. The person who cheats on different exams will get used to this habit in the social and common life and it will become one of the basic traits in his\her character. It will be difficult to trust or believe those cheaters as they are not honest with themselves, so how do you expect that they can be honest and faithful to you.

Cheating on exams is not a weird phenomenon that has recently appeared to talk about it and make it important as it exists since the students started to take tests. What makes this phenomenon important and really strange is that it is always improved. Cheating on exams is no longer restricted to looking at the answer sheet of the student who is sitting next to you whether it is beside or in front of you. Cheating is highly developed to the extent that the technological devices are used for making cheating unnoticed.

Cheating has been happening for a long time


The shocking thing is that instead of helping the students to study and answer exams on their own, there are websites that offer to help them to cheat without being noticed. They inspire them through presenting different ways for cheating and through providing them with several technological devices to cheat. All what we know about the ways of cheating is to look at the answer sheet of your colleague but what about the other creative ways for cheating?

You can find students who write on their hands, feet, legs, nails, write on desks, write on paper and put it in their shoe or pen, use calculators which are especially manufactured for cheating, mobile phones, iPod, MP3, spy earpieces, spy glasses, watches and other creative and unbelievable methods for cheating.

The only solution for this problem



it is not this

because it will never happen  😉



these creative methods

Anti-cheating methods as creative solutions for preventing students from cheating
