Categories: InteriorsKitchen

Top 18 Creative Kitchen Decoration Tricks No One Told You About

With the matching kitchen decoration, the kitchen becomes cozy and gets its own style. The decoration ideas for the kitchen are almost unlimited. We’ve put together 18 creative tricks for you to decorate your kitchen and make it your new favorite place in your home.

1 Decorate with pots and pans

Pots and pans usually disappear behind closed cupboard doors. For anyone who has little storage space and wants to decorate the wall, such a hanging system is ideal. Here you can accommodate not only pans and pots but also sieves and other utensils. Such hanging racks make the hanging items of decorative value.

kitchen hanging pot rack Top 18 Creative Kitchen Decoration Tricks No One Told You About - 1kitchen hanging pot rack Top 18 Creative Kitchen Decoration Tricks No One Told You About - 1

2 Decoration with kitchen appliances

That mixer and the coffee maker must not be a disturbing factor on the kitchen top but can become a decorative highlight. See this kitchen, the beautiful red coffee maker and mixer stand out in front of the red brick wall and on the dark wooden worktop and are additionally staged with spots.

3 Pasta, oil, and vinegar

Pasta, olive oil, and balsamic are the epitome of Mediterranean cuisine and can be used not only for cooking but also as an enchanting decoration for the kitchen. Here they are placed high on a chic shelf in glass containers and beautiful bottles.

4 Pictures as a kitchen decoration

This kitchen has been decorated with black and white pictures in black frames. The white kitchen is thus effectively contrasted. Thanks to the brick wall and the wooden kitchen counter, it does feel not only cool, but also invitingly cozy, yet stylish and modern. A special decoration highlight is also the wine bottles in the wine rack for the wall. Images for the kitchen can be as decoration but also gaudy colorful and thus emphasize a fresh, modern style or they adorn food or baked goods.

5 Trowels, spoons, and Co.

This pretty shortboard not only creates additional storage space but also has a decorative effect due to the kitchen utensils hung on it, such as a ladle and whisk.

6 Decoration in the vintage style

If you are looking for decorative pieces for the kitchen, you may have to look around the flea market or in the shop under the kitchen utensils and find valuable treasures. A dining table not only amazes guests when topped with biscuits, snacks and other delicacies put on unique cookies stand, but it is also great as a kitchen decoration.

7 The weighing machine as decoration for the kitchen

This antique shabby-chic scale is a great accessory for country-style kitchen decor. But even in the modern kitchen, the scale can become a decoration. The colors and sizes in which kitchen scales are available are diverse, so there is something to suit every kitchen.

8 Appealingly present salt, sugar, and flour

The most beautiful cafés have long ago discovered chic sugar bowls and dispensers as decoration to decorate the bar and tables. Even in your kitchen, foods such as salt, sugar, flour, coffee, and tea, are ideal for keeping in these beautiful chic bottles. For the country kitchen as well as a modern kitchen, these porcelain cans with floral decor are ideal.

9 Decoration with spices

For spices, there are a variety of cans and shelving systems. For example, this shelf with test tubes is especially smart.

10 Decoration with textiles

Not only wall decoration is suitable for the kitchen. As a kitchen decoration, textiles such as table runners, chair covers, cushions, tablecloths, and curtains are perfect. In any case, the spring look with its pastel blue tablecloth, matching chair cushions, vases, and spring flowers has been perfectly done in this kitchen!

11 Glass vases for the kitchen

Simple but always effective are glass vases in the kitchen. They can be equipped with fresh-cut flowers, but cut herbs and branches remain fresh in them and always provide new kitchen decor ideas.

12 Herbs in the kitchen

Fresh herbs give the dishes an exceptional aroma. How practical is it if you always have them ready in the kitchen? If they are staged in such a fresh bar made of pallet wood, they are at the same time serving as a nice kitchen decoration.

13 Fruit and vegetable baskets

The beauty of the kitchen is the food itself; it could be quite decorative, especially if you keep it in special baskets, bowls, or even on tiered dishes. This not only brings freshness to the kitchen but also the beautifully presented fruits and vegetables invite you again and again to healthy snacks in between. Browse for your favorite bowls in your cupboard, or look for something charming at the flea market!

14 Decorative Mason Jars

As in a shop, the food is lined up here clearly. To make it look decorative and tidy, all containers should be of the same set and be labeled uniformly.

15 Fresh herbs

Using fresh herbs is not only practical for cooking; the small pots are also pretty to look at. The whole trick is not just to put them somewhere, but purposefully – in beautiful planters and boxes, or, as here, staged on the wall.

16 Selected cookbooks

They accumulate over the years: handwritten recipes from grandma and cooking range for all tastes, many in true coffee-table quality. Hand-held, they look as cozy and decorative in the kitchen as a bookshelf in the living room! Important: The books should stand so far away from the stove to make sure that they do not get dingy due to splattering. If you have many cookbooks, treat them to their own shelf. Plus point: the look sweeps more often over the books – and who knows, maybe you try out a completely new recipe.

17 Private picture collection

The first painting attempts of the children, holiday photos or postcards with funny sayings – all these things delight us daily and can be arranged nicely on the kitchen wall or the fridge. Pick the most beautiful memories and hang them symmetrically on a pinboard or magnetic wall. This is how the Memorial Gallery looks sorted and harmonious.

18 Practical blackboard color

Every kitchen has walls, but only a wall painted with blackboard can be changed again and again. Where the shopping list is listed on Saturdays, the Sunday menu can be announced shortly afterward – and then a creative chalk artwork will be created. So the kitchen decoration remains flexible!
