The Caucasian Mountain Dog is one of the largest dog breeds that you can ever find. There are more than 10 names that are used for referring to this dog breed such as the Bombora, CO, Caucasian, Caucasian shepherd dog, the Caucasian Ovcharka, Circassian sheepdog, Armenian Khobun, and more names that are usually used but the most common names are the Caucasian Mountain dog and the Caucasian shepherd dog.
The Caucasian Mountain Dog originated in different countries around the world such as Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Dagestan. The Caucasian Mountain Dog is known for being massive, muscular, and having strong bones. It has a heavy coat that increases its size to the extent that the Caucasian Mountain Dog looks like a lion that frightens you once you see it. There is not a maximum height or weight that is recorded for this dog breed which means that you will find wide differences between these dogs in their height and weight.
♦ What about the height and weight of the Caucasian Mountain Dog?
The height and weight of the Caucasian Mountain Dogs differ according to the gender of the dog as the minimum height that is recorded for females is estimated to be about 64 cm (25 in) and the minimum weight is approximately 45 kg (99 lb). On the other hand, the minimum height that is recorded for males is estimated to be nearly 68 cm (27 in) while the weight ranges from at least 50 kg (110 lb) to 90 kg (200 lb).
♦ The characteristics of the Caucasian Mountain Dog?
The Caucasian Mountain Dog is intelligent, sometimes stubborn and refuses to obey orders, has cropped ears and its long and heavy coat comes in different colors such as black, grey with white markings and black and tan. In addition to being massive, muscular and having strong bones and heavy coat, the Caucasian Mountain Dog is known to be healthy which allows it to live for a long time unlike other weaker dog breeds, but there are different health problems from which this dog breed may suffer and can affect its life such as heart problems, obesity and hip dysplasia.
♦ What about its attitude towards strangers?
The Caucasian Mountain Dog is aggressive towards strangers whom it does not know and this may be good and bad at the same time. Being aggressive allows you to use the Caucasian Mountain Dog as a perfect guard dog that protects you, your family and home. You can overcome the problem of being aggressive towards strangers through training your Caucasian Mountain Dog properly and it should start at an early age to make it easy for you to control it.
In addition to using the Caucasian Mountain Dog as a watchdog, you can also use it for hunting and forget about hunting the small animals as the Caucasian Mountain Dog allows you to hunt large animals to the extent that you can use it for hunting bears which means that the Caucasian Mountain Dog is a perfect companion for you if you are one of those who like hunting or need a guard dog for protecting your home and family.