8. CanadaIts democracy score is 9.08
There are some countries around the world that are known to be democratic and this means that people in these countries live under full democracy to be treated equally and fairly and to be given the right to choose those who can represent them. People in democratic countries are given the right to take part in making decisions which makes them feel that they are respected and can participate to express their opinions. They feel that they are effective in the country in which they live and can change anything they do not like.
Some of the democratic countries are located in Scandinavia and this does not mean that other countries are not democratic. There are some countries that live under democracy but it is not full democracy as there are different forms for it and this is why these countries are not ranked among the most democratic countries in the world. Do you feel that you live in a democratic country? If you really want to know whether your country is really a democratic one or not, read the following top 10 most democratic countries in the world.
There are countries that are known to be democratic but because of encountering specific problems and suffering form tough conditions, these countries turn from democratic countries to dictatorial ones to be controlled by authoritarian rulers and live under dictatorial regimes. Everything is lost in dictatorial countries such as political participation, equality, fair treatment and civil liberty. There are different reports which assure that democracy has begun to grow in different regions around the world especially in the Middle East and North Africa that witness great and crucial changes in countries such as Egypt, Libya, Morocco and other Arab countries thanks to the outbreak of several revolutions trying to change dictatorial governments and authoritarian rulers.