Seduced by the great success, some entrepreneurs have achieved and seeking a quick profit; some go for the easy way which surely doesn’t include following a passion or having a clear purpose that is higher than money. Patience, careful study, and preparation for each step are not comprised too. The stories of great entrepreneurs would tell you that entrepreneurship is much meaningful than this narrow perspective. In this topic, we present you the top 10 effective steps to start a real business that lives on, on a solid base.
1 Find the passion and clear vision
Gathering passion and work in one place is the powerful equation that results in success and happiness. Anyone goes deep enough in the success stories of great entrepreneurs sees that passion has always been the dynamo that has formed their greatness. Finding it, you could start working on forging a clear vision and purpose on how to turn it into a profitable business. In case you are not done with this part yet and need some help, The School of Greatness Academy, which established by Lewis Howes, the lifestyle entrepreneur, business coach and author of the book “The School of Greatness,” may provide you with what you need.
2 Fairly assess yourself and your resources
Now you need to reconcile your vision with reality. You can start by yourself, identifying your strength and weakness points, find solutions to contain the weaknesses so that they won’t greatly affect your business. After that, assess your current resources. Patiently think of the best employment of what you have to launch your business. To accomplish this significant task, you should do your research well and know everything about the business field you want to dive in.
3 Assess your target market
After a deep search inside, it’s time to look outside. Know about your competitors and customers; meeting the market and customer needs is what entrepreneurship is about. You need to go deep into this. And if you couldn’t study your target market thoroughly as an expert, you may need a professional assistance from a business startup services company.
4 Get the bureaucratic steps done easily
There are companies, such as Easy Doc Filing LLC, that offer paid online services to accomplish many bureaucratic steps that entrepreneurs need. For example, having decided the business entity you want to form, whether an LLC (Limited Liability Company), sole proprietor/partnership, S-corporation or C-corporation, you will need to apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) which you could get online within 24 hours via Easy Doc Filing website. They could also get you the Tax ID after you fill their online Tax ID application.
5 strategic thinking of effective ways to start
This step is about finding a strategy with which you could move what’s in your head into the real world. This includes finding your special way to meet the customer’s needs. Also, if what you already have is not enough to start up, you can begin with a side business that doesn’t require a capital, then move into your original target when ready. Many service businesses don’t require money.
6 Organize acting steps and execute
Having the previous steps were done, the thinking and exploring part, you can now start ACTING on a solid base. No doubt that clearing the mists of ambiguity inside and outside you to see what to do is not easy, but birthing your incisive vision into the real world is no less hard and much more time-consuming. The main key when reach this far is to organize your actions to avoid unnecessary losses and mistakes that could lengthen the process.
7 Financial goals are needed
Whether at the beginning or regularly every period, you need to set a financial goal and carefully observe how your business goes and whether you manage to hit the goal, or even exceeds it! If not, deep look into the causes to avoid them in the future. Therefore, keep your business plan flexible enough to be followed and modified according to the continuous feedback you get from your direct experience.
8 Create the company’s website and social media platforms
Needless to say how vital online marketing has become. The role of the Internet in the business arena has insanely been increasing. So, creating a website and social media platforms to promote and market your business has become a necessity. The lifestyle entrepreneur and business coach Lewis Howes refers to the importance of supporting the virtual platforms with unique and attractive content, “A site that your readers and viewers can reference back to,” as he put it.
9 Form a creative team
When starting a business from scratch, you may need to do most of the work yourself to save each dollar to guarantee your project a successful initiation. But when the time comes and you find yourself capable of hiring a team, look for those who complement, not resemble, you. An entrepreneur needs employees with innovative thoughts and multiple perspectives to grow the business and keep it vibrant.
10 Be attentive to the quality of the advice
However a great entrepreneur mainly relays on his good research and assessment, a good advice could also be quite helpful. Having an experienced mentor in entrepreneurship is a powerful and supportive thing. You could also join a mastermind group whose members of entrepreneurs would add a lot to your baby experience. Many websites offer to join such groups as a paid service. Or form one if you know other entrepreneurs. Try to choose members with a variety of experience levels, so that all would benefit. Don’t underestimate the value of a good advice; it could save you a lot of wasted time and money.
In case you are a real adventurer who seeks to construct a serious business, we hope that you have found these tips useful, and we wish you all the best!