The smart dogs facilitate the process of treating them, they can understand you to find that the relation between both of you develops quickly unlike other dogs that need a long time to be trained and to respond to your orders. But keep in your mind that some of the intelligent dogs are really dangerous, need to be treated carefully, and be trained very well. It will not be a good idea at all to leave these dogs in your home alone without doing anything because when you return back, you will find that these dogs turned into other creatures that are destructive and turn the place into a mess. There are some of the most intelligent dogs that are included in more than one list such as Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, and German Shepherd.
In addition to being placed in the list of the most intelligent dogs, they are also found in the list of the most dangerous dogs that attack and fight which may lead to the death of the victim out of dog bites. Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler, Poodle, and German Shepherd are also ranked among the most popular dog breeds in the world. Most of the smartest dog breeds have some features in common such as being energetic, obedient, active, friendly, courageous, and loyal. To know more about these dogs, we present to you the following 10 smartest dog breeds in the world.
10. Australian Cattle Dog
It is ranked as the tenth most intelligent dog breed in the world. Its origin country is Australia and it needs to be trained well. It can be used for herding and protection. It is known for being energetic, resourceful, smart, cautious, strong, organized, obedient, and loyal to its owner. It needs to be always occupied with any activity in order not to get bored and becomes destructive.
9. Rottweiler
It occupies a ninth place on the list of the smartest dog breeds. It comes from Germany. It is known for being intelligent, strong, courageous, loyal, having a face that looks like a square and powerful body. It can be trusted as a perfect guard for protecting your home, for herding, and as a police dog for saving and searching for what is lost. It needs to be well-trained because it is ranked as one of the most dangerous dogs in the world.
8. Papillion
It is ranked as the eighth smartest dog in the world. It looks small, nice, cute, kind, quiet, and weak, however, it is in fact aggressive and strong. It is smart, loyal, and friendly to its owner which makes it a good companion. It can be easily trained.
7. Labrador Retriever
It is placed in the seventh position on the list of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. It is characterized by being intelligent, friendly, loyal, patient, active, and can be easily trained. It is loved by many children and it is friendly with other animals that you keep in your home and for these reasons this dog is ranked as number one and placed on the top of the most popular dog breeds in the world for 22 times.
6. Shetland Sheepdog
It is classified as the sixth most intelligent dog breed in the world. It is known for its intelligence, resourcefulness, long and soft hair, for being friendly with all age groups especially children, loyal to its owner and the most important thing is that it can be easily trained. It was used before for herding cattle and sheep.
5. Doberman Pinscher
It is placed in the fifth position on the list of the smartest dog breeds in the world. It has many characteristics such as courage, strength, intelligence, loyalty, obedience, being friendly, and can be trusted as a perfect guard and protector for saving and for finding lost things. It is used as a police dog because of its efficiency.
4. Golden Retriever
It is classified as the fourth most intelligent dog in the world and is also ranked as one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. It is known for its patience, loyalty, being friendly especially with young children, kind, and obeying orders. It is easily trained and can be used for searching, saving, and protection which makes it a good companion.
3. German Shepherd
It comes in third place on the list of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. It is known for being highly intelligent, strong, courageous, loyal, friendly with all ages, obedient and fearless. It is used as a police dog and it is a great choice for being used to protect homes and keep them safe. It is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
2. Poodle
It is the second most intelligent dog breed in the world and is also one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. It is characterized by being intelligent, loyal, friendly, active, sensitive, obedient, easily trained, and have the ability to swim. It is known for its thick and curly coat that comes in different colors.
1. Border Collie
It occupies the top of the list to be ranked as the smartest dog breed. It is highly intelligent, energetic, obedient, friendly, courageous, and loyal. It will be the worst idea to leave this dog alone doing nothing at your home because it will be turned into a mess and will be destroyed, so try to always keep it occupied with any activity.