Top 10 Most Beautiful Colorful Fish Types

Are you thinking of introducing a new fish into your aquarium?

That can be an overwhelming decision for some people because it is never enough to add any fish, but it can also mean everything when you add a fish with the right color. The beauty of any aquarium is based on how beautiful and colorful the fish inside it is. Therefore, Pouted online magazine shows you a list of the top ten most beautiful colorful fish types you can introduce into your aquarium and make it look like a charming paradise.

1 Mandarinfish

This fish belongs to the dragonet species of fish, as well as a saltwater fish. The striped Mandarinfish sits among the fish with the most colors in this category of fish, and it can be seen only in the Pacific Ocean. It has a shape that is the same as that of the goby fish. It is gifted with a blue base that is mixed with orange stripes. However, you should have it at the back of your mind that these species are expensive to keep since they only accept live food as their fodder.

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2 Flowerhorn cichlid

Anyone who wants their aquarium to be admired because it is home to uncommon fishes with uncharacteristic beauty must have their radar on the flowerhorn cichlid. They can be identified by their vivid colorations and the peculiar shape of their head. The coloration of this fish species can be misleading when they are small. That is, their color pattern gradually changes as they grow older. So the best way to be satisfied with what you are putting in your aquarium is by buying an adult flowerhorn cichlid.

3 Juvenile emperor angelfish

This fish species will remain a remarkable addition to any aquarium, thanks to its electric color, a dark black base, and its light white/blue highlights. The juvenile emperor angelfish will require an aquarium that contains at least 25 gallons of saltwater. The fish can only thrive where the pH is between 8.1 and 8.4, and temperature of between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

4 Discus

According to some, discus is the most colorful fish that has ever existed. It can grow up to a length of 8 inches. This fish species is prevalent, though they don’t seem to look like the best choice for anyone who is just starting with the aquarium thing. They are quite sensitive to any water changes, and that is one of the biggest mistakes made by most beginners.

5 Clown triggerfish

This fish is also known as the big spotted triggerfish. It grows up to 18 inches in length. It comes with a black base, white spots, and a vivid yellow coloration around their mouth. They have a way of knowing any ornament they see in their tank. They are very much like Oscars in that regard.

6 Rainbow parrotfish

This fish got its name due to its odd type of mouth. The teeth of this fish are stuck together, making it appear like a beak. They can easily scrape algae from coral, thanks to this beak of theirs. They rank as one of the biggest herbivore fishes sitting in the Atlantic, reaching up to 1m in length. To manage this fish requires a lot of money because it can only stay in a big sized aquarium where there is sufficient food.

7 Peacock cichlid

It is no news that cichlids are generally colorful and blessed with magnificent patterns. But for obvious reasons, the peacock seems to be ahead of other cichlids in the area of beauty and colors. They equally qualify as a very peaceful member of this family. Peacock cichlid can be reared with other fish species without causing any trouble, on the condition that there is sufficient space for them to move around. They tend to exhibit territorial behavior when they lack enough space.

8 Clownfish

The clownfish species is blessed with one thing: they’ve got a lot of colors. They exist in red, yellow, and orange colors, and a lot of them having white lines on their body. They can grow as much as between 3 and 6 inches in size. They can feed on both animals and plants. Ocellaris clownfish remains the most popular of this fish family because they can be reared in aquariums easily.

9 Killifish

Another name for this fish is the Cyprinodontiformes. This fish family seems to have the most number of species. They are so many that you can almost find them on any of the continents. Their name can be traced to a Dutch origin, and it means ditch of channel.

10 Golden sailfin molly

Molly fish ranks among the most known fish in existence today. Although many people think molly only exists in dull colorations, they do have some exciting colors that can keep admirers on edge. Just like their name, this fish is gifted with a silver-based coupled with gold spots. This fish is suitable for any starter because they are peaceful and easy to manage.

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