In your twenties and want to make something big? The idea of achievement is just eating you? Let us start small. Any big achievement or project did start overnight. Have some patience and grab a cup of coffee and think. Think of what you can do, what you are good at, and how can you do it differently. If you found nothing, which I doubt, I recommend some simple ideas that will help you to take a step forward. Remember, these ideas are just the start, so do not stop there.
10 Recycling
This is a bit innovative. Instead of asking people to be good enough to not to waste their can, you are going to seduce them for it. Build a company in your garage to recycle cans, for example, but how to collect it? You can make a deal with a local customer to give free meal to them, while offering part of the interests to the restaurant that could be in form of fuel.
9 Fast Food Truck
Food is the product that always sell without much fuss, as long as it is tasteful and healthy of course. A fast food truck is something that costs you nearly nothing. No rent in the end of every month, no need for a big group of employers because there is no space in first place, and no taxes! You can even buy a used car, so you are making money for free.
8 Mobile Solutions
Because mobile is dispensable for nearly everybody nowadays, starting a business in this field will turn you a magnate in a few years. It could be in software, offering solutions to individual users as well as companies; and it could be in hardware.
7 Translation
A translation company with a website over the internet can bring you hundred bucks an hour. You do not need to have an actual headquarter, the website can do the job. With many exporters making business abroad specially with China, you will find a big market to your skills.
6 Organizational software services
With the increase of employing in big companies, there is a need to keep track of employees. How could that be possible? The answer if offered by you, if you have some training in the making of software.
7 Services for elderly
As women grow up, they tend to have free time to care for themselves! Yes, strange as it may seem but they always look for some activities to help them feel good and look better. What if we can afford them such services without making them move to some place?
6 Vending Machines
With coca cola spreading its vending machines world-wide, there is a trend that copied this company but for healthier food. Instead of having to take a burger and coke on the go, you can eat something like the one you would make at home and still with the same price. Tempting, right?
5 Smartphone
Now you read the subtitle and said, no this needs a lot of money and technical work. But wait, have not you heard about Hibble the founder of iDropped? He taught himself to fix smartphones mainly because his wife used to drop it often. Such kind of business could grow fast, because there is no much of it right now.
4 Contractors
A contractor is a company that supplies workers for buildings; they could be for example electricians or plumbers. There is a lack in such jobs because of the economical deterioration.
3 Children Applications
Because many children have access to internet and probably own a smart device, it would a smart idea to flirt with, through some apps of course.
2 Training
You can make a fortune if you have some good knowledge basis in any field, and specifically in software. The market for programming, for example, is getting bigger every day. You can use that.
1 Business-to-Business
One of the good ideas if your company is still under construction is to sell your products to big business. Instead of targeting individuals, you take to institutions; you sell them something they need for price cheaper than other well-established companies.