What crosses your mind whenever someone mentions “beautiful flower”? The most common adjective coming out of your thought should be beautiful or pretty. Well, that is quite logical for roses, tulips, black flowers, or daisies. But, what if you are served with some other flowers which look funny – if we can say so?
Hooker’s Lips or Psychotriaelata:
The flower’s shape resembles the bright red lips of an attractive woman. The colors are much noticeable that even humans will easily recognize it from distance.
Naked Man Orchid or Orchisitalia:
If you look carefully to the purplish flower, you can see its shape resembles a human’s naked body, complete with its limbs, heads and even eyes.
Laughing Bumble Bee Orchid or Orphrysbomyblifora:
This orchid is unique for its funny shape which reminds us to a bumble bee. The combination of red, green, yellow and brown are beautifully drawn on the surface of the flower.
Swaddled Babies or Anguloauniflora:
A baby wrapped in a cloth does represent this flower’s look. It is looking like a flower’s bud with more exposed inner parts. And those parts do really look like a baby’s face, complete with its tiny body and arms.
Happy Alien or Calceolaria uniflora:
You may be feeling a bit uneasy with its features, but the bright orange flower does make us think about an alien whose green ears at the side parts of its head-alike. A bit lower, its arms-alike stretched to the front, as holding a tray.
Flying Duck Orchid or Caleana major:
From its nickname, you may be able to predict what object this orchid look like. Parts of the flower represent a duck’s wings, body, head and mouth. And amazingly, the flower seems like wanting to fly away from its stem.
Snap Dragon Seed Pod or Antirrhinum:
This one is a bit scary though. Its shape resembles a skull which hung at the tip of the plant’s branch. Its ivory color makes it look even more like a skull.
Dancing Girls or Impatiens bequaertii:
Its soft-white color makes the flower look so pure, complete with a funny shape of a dancing girl with such a big head.
Monkey Face Orchid or Dracula simia:
Yes, it looks much like a monkey’s face in the middle of the flower, with petals around it.
Parrot flower or Impatiens psittacina:
The parrot flower looks so beautifully hung at the tip of the branch. Its purple, red and white are wonderfully matched with one another.