It got its name from a Greek word that means star.
Fireworks are fantastic and are appropriate for specific occasions. The noisy sound and sparks put you in a celebration mood. Now, it will interest you to note that you do not only need gunpowder to light up the night around you and make some exciting sounds. There are alternative ways you can carry on celebrating a national holiday. That is why this post will be taking a closer look at flowers that look like fireworks. Such flowers have a unique way of making the garden look stunning and lively.
Are you looking for the right flower to celebrate the upcoming Independence Day? These firework-looking flowers could do the trick. Let us run through them one after the other and see which one will best fit you.
This flower belongs to the family group as scallions, onions, garlic, and leek. But, several cultivars are perfect for decorations. Alliums have a unique appearance that makes them look like fireworks. You can notice their flowers exploding when it is dark. They exist in colors like yellow, purple, white, red, and blue. Therefore, if you are looking for flowers that look like fireworks, Alliums is one flower that fits the bill.
Everything about this flower is spectacular, including its name. The name gives you an insight into how the flower behaves anytime it opens. It got its name from a Greek word that means star. At a particular time, over 600 species of the flower were discovered. With constant research and study, scientists could streamline the number to 180. But, of course, the family still exists in various colors. The only thing that will come to your mind whenever the asters bloom is fireworks and summer.
Funny enough, the reason why this flower was created was for color and shape. Coincidentally, that qualifies it as one of the most appropriate flowers that look like fireworks. The leaves usually begin with green & white stripes. However, as the day’s temperature rises, the color becomes pinker. This particular flower also contributes to motion in the garden, given how the long fonds move when it’s breezy.
Gomphrena is perfect for locations adequately hit by the sun. in such places, they produce tight, small bunches that form spherical globes. They come in various colors, including blue, red, pink, purple, orange, white, and blue. When choosing flowers that look like fireworks, Gomphrena is always considered for obvious reasons. They are usually sold for decoration as dried flowers.
We cannot talk about flowers that look like fireworks, and roses will not be included. Although many roses can give you something close, getting one that can open as much as you want is what you need. It looks very much like fireworks that are on display on Independence Day. They are not without a pleasing fragrance, making them great for romantic occasions. They comprise multiple colors whenever they open up themselves.
The Solidago rugosa is undoubtedly one of the many flowers that look like fireworks. It is a low-maintenance flower. That explains why many busy gardeners prefer to grow it in their backyard. Another beautiful thing about this flower is that it blooms even when others struggle to bloom or are fading out. It creates a display of different colors.
Do you mind a bit of sparkle within your garden? If you don’t, Carex Phyllocephala may be precisely what you need. This evergreen and fun flower can produce drama whenever necessary. The green and white stripes make it all the more appealing. If you don’t have enough space on your property, you can opt for spark dwarf. It is a viable alternative to Carex Phyllocephala.
For anyone that desires some extra flare in their garden, the Pennisetum is worth considering. The fox tails and purple looking plumes are some other features that make this plant to be extremely appealing.
Also known as sparkler blush, the Cleome Hassleriana is another flower that is becoming increasingly popular because of its flowers that look like fireworks. Therefore, if you have not grown this flower in your garden before now, this is the perfect time to do so.
Impatiens Walleriana sounds like a great flower that introduces vitality and energy into a dull environment. Its abundant colors make it easy for the right sparkle to be added to any surroundings.