Categories: Pets

Take a Look at the Scary Vampire Deer before It Disappears

Are you curious about the vampire deer and want to discover more about its characteristics. Here is what you want as we reveal to you some of the facts that may be hidden away from you. First of all, we want to discover more about the name itself and why they are given such a scary and weird name. Water Deer, Fanged Deer and Vampire Deer are all names used for referring to this type of deer but the Vampire Deer is the most common name and is also the most interesting. The Vampire deer lives in China and Korea and this is why there are two subspecies which are the Korean Water Deer and the Chinese Water Deer. The Vampire Deer is small in its size and it is superficially closer in its characteristics to the musk deer more than the true deer. The Vampire or Water Deer is classified as a cervid although it does not have antlers and it also has different anatomical characteristics that make it really unique such as the large tusks that make it weird.


♦ Why is it named the Vampire Deer?

The main reason behind calling this type of deer the Vampire Deer is that it looks like vampires. The Vampire Deer does not suck the blood of living animals and other creatures like the vampires that we know and watch in films, but it just has prominent tusks that make it look like vampires and this is why it is given this interesting and catchy name.

♦ Where does the Vampire Deer live?

Most of the Vampire Deer live beside rivers where they can hide in tall reeds and rushes. They can be also found in open cultivated fields and other areas that are hidden from sight such as mountains, grasslands and swamps. The most important countries in which the Vampire Deer lives include Korea, China, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Argentina and France. You can also see the Vampire Deer in the United States but they are not common there.

♦ What is the story of the weird and large tusks?

The long tusks or canines that the vampire deer has come out from the upper jaw which makes the Vampire Deer similar to the musk deer more than the true deer. The length of the large ad long tusks that the Vampire Deer has ranges from 5.5-8 cm (2.1-3.2 in).

♦ What is the importance of the long & large tusks?

The large tusks may be thought to be annoying and disturb the Vampire Deer while eating and moving their mouth, but in fact they are not as we think. The Vampire Deer’s tusks are really beneficial as the deer, especially males, use these large tusks in territorial fighting as a weapon. The long tusks are loosely held and can be easily controlled and moved through using facial muscles.

So, what do you think of these vampire deer or water deer? And do you still believe that they are scary and dangerous as you first thought?
