
4 Best Features of the Red Nose Day that Make it worth Celebrating

Red nose day is celebrated every year in United States and after every two years in UK. An organization, the comic relief arranges for the day. It wouldn’t be wrong at all to say that sole purpose of celebrating the day is to serve humanity. Here are the four features that make the event more purposeful.

4 Red Nose Day is Source of unlimited fun

Seeing our favorite personalities in real time comic situations is indeed an entertainment. Fundraising activity done by celebrating fun through comic faces is indeed a great idea. The event hosted by NBC in America and by BBC in London, features many showbiz celebs in a funny way. They gather to have fun and entertain the audience for the noble cause of saving next generation.

Red Nose Day - Fundraising activity done by celebrating funRed Nose Day - Fundraising activity done by celebrating fun

3 Red Nose Day is a Way to Support the Needy Kids

Very basic purpose of celebrating this day is to help the underprivileged and needy kids. Amount of funds raised through entire activity is spent for the betterment of kids who are starving in Africa.  Various programs for reforming education, health and food for the poor kids are launched. Giving faces a comic look during different days of March, every year is an activity not only for entertainment. For sure, it has to do a lot for making difference in society. Relative organization makes sure that money is used for cause that caters to the needs of poor kids.

2 Red Nose Day is Contribution to Society on behalf of celebrity

Red Nose Day celebrations make sure that entire community is involved to serve the society. There is no doubt that celebrity liking leads to celebrity following. If your favorite actor, comedian and musician gets involved in such act that makes him look silly for a cause, then it something beyond emotional. It simply triggers passion to donate for society and specially for kids.

1 Red Nose Day Combines Fun and Charity

No face is more innocent than a kids face. A silly look on the face of a person makes this innocence to joy in happiness. In this way Red Nose Day serves a dual purpose. Entertainment and fun for a cause is the best way to cherish the community. A sense of awareness is brought in society members about spreading happiness through fun and sharing. Campaigns launched in a light way are capable of leaving strong impact, that’s the reason why this day remains to be a big success.
