Taking care of yourself, be it body or mind, is essential when you’re occupied with work and other facets of life. However, there’s a notion that self-care means being selfish or self-centered. This is not always the case.
The term self-care means what it says. You are taking the initiative to set aside time for yourself, away from stress and all negativities. And you do not let any person ‘guilt trap’ from having free time for yourself.
There are many ways you can start with this process. Some might go out for a walk, and others might take a sound sleep or meditate for a couple of hours. The steps are subjective, but the motive is just one – “Quality me time.”
Let us understand why self-care is essential for your body, mind, and the people around you.
Why Self-care?
You might wonder why this ‘practice’ plays a crucial role in having a considerably better quality of life. Most of the problems in your day-to-day life primarily occur due to the actions and decisions you take in haste, anger, or stress. And the after-effect of your actions will depend on the circumstances.
Always remember; that the secret to enjoying a healthy and tranquil life is to have a balanced mind. The main reason people experience burnout is that they are always expected to work countless hours and sacrifice their vacation days and time with their family.
And exhaustion caused by this strenuous schedule will impact your productivity while making others uncomfortable, as you may be irritated by small, negligible things. Now, let’s look at the various methods by which you can start the journey of self-care.

Easy Methods to Practise Self Care
There are many ways you can start this process. From taking some time off of work, or joining a self-care program, anything that makes you feel relaxed and calm can be considered the start of your self-care journey.
Have a look at these two things that you can easily incorporate into your daily lifestyle;
1 Setting A Balanced Diet
Following a diet does not mean starving yourself. This will cause more harm than good. The point of the diet is to include and eat food items that are good for the body in a significantly larger quantity.
Also, reducing the amount of fast food can be beneficial as you’re not taking in unnecessary calories.

2 Ambient Atmosphere
Irrespective of how much clutter you have in your mind, you’ll be transported to another dimension when you step inside a monastery. You feel calm in such places because of the ambient atmosphere, the uplifting scent of incense sticks, the echoing sound of bells, and the unified chanting of hymns.
Interestingly, you can create this soothing setting right inside your room! Turn the lights down and meditate to soft music.
You can also light some incense. If you cannot handle the smoke, it is better to go for oils or fragrances that calm your mind.
You can also find an essential oil burner in Singapore, where you’ll be able to make scents by mixing the oils that you find suitable. From floral aromas to the fragrance of ginger and tea, you have different choices at your disposal.
Concluding Thoughts
This article is to remind you to take a break. You do not have to be engaged with work or productive all around the clock. Remember that we have limited time on this planet. Leverage that precious entity wisely on people and activities that enrich your life.
During the hustles, keep in mind that it is crucial to have quality “me time” on a regular basis. Moments like these will help you put the negativity of the world at bay and move on, giving you the fortitude to confront whatever comes your way.