
Medical Tourism: Half Your Bucket List Crossed Off

The requirements and chores of everyday life, contribute to the persistent growth of our bucket lists, which seems to grow by the day. With a lot to achieve and no time at your hands, the few weeks of summer vacation and a tight budget only confine your spirit. If you have expired your patience reservoir, and desperately looking for an affordable experience to cross off your dreams before you kick the bucket, you have come across your silver lining. Medical tourism is the right of passage for you to accomplish what you have for so long desired. Read along to learn more about medical tourism.

What is medical tourism?

The concept of medical tourism has sky-rocketed in popularity. With its two-birds-one-stone objective, many patients seek high-quality medical care abroad for its affordability in comparison to Europe and the US. Along with receiving treatment abroad, medical tourism provides patients with the opportunity to wander and discover a country once so foreign.

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The benefits of medical tourism

1 Affordable medical care

Hair transplant and cosmetic surgery in Turkey can be up to 70% cheaper without compromising on the quality. Many of today’s youth suffer hair loss problems or are desperately seeking a confidence boost from a cosmetic surgeon’s knife. Held back by financial factors, most wallow in a poor mental state and fractured spirits. Medical tourism grants you the ability to receive the procedures desired, and cross a few items off of your bucket list. Moreover, with 70 dollars of every 100 safes in your bank account, you have extra cash to have a little bit more fun.

2 Recovering in a grand touristic destination

Among the most popular destinations for medical tourism are Brazil and Turkey. The former being most notable for breast augmentation whereas the latter has earned unprecedented success in cosmetic dentistry and hair transplants. Either of the two countries provides a distinct experience for tourists. Turkey, with its culture that is a peculiar blend of the Middle-east and Europe, yields a perfect aesthetic exclusive to the country. The church turned mosque, Hagia Sophia is among the many monuments that leave a nostalgic print on our souls. The infamous Grand Bazaar, an underground market with passages that endlessly ramify, sells ethnic spices, traditional attires, and national delights. Not to mention, as well, the numerous activity that one could engage in Eurasian country.  Whichever country your heart chooses, it’s important to stick to your surgeon’s instructions when embarking on your memorable shenanigans.

3 Luxurious services

Medical tourism brings a whole new meaning to budget traveling. As a citizen of the States or Europe, earning your money in pounds, dollars, or even Euros; countries like Turkey will seem to be dubiously affordable for you. However, from a Turkish Citizen’s perspective, the procedures are relatively costly. Included within the package of the surgery, cosmetic surgery, and hair transplant centers such as Vera Clinic offer services designed exclusively for your comfort. The package includes airport pickup, a personal driver, an interpreter, and a pre-booked 5-star hotel for three days.

In summary

Medical tourism is the opportunity you needed to rebuild your life. Jump on the bandwagon and tick away at your bucket list.  For further inquiries and guidance, visit our website
