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Top 10 Makeup Tricks to Look Younger

Everyone wants to always look gorgeous and special. Most of the people lose charm and glamour with the increasing age. Your age factor is the biggest enemy of your beauty, and you can’t avoid it obviously. It will be a good option to hide it with a good makeup. It is always important to take complete care of your skin and beauty at right time. You need to give time to proper diet, healthy lifestyle and balanced hormones to look younger. If you are late already, it will be good to use some makeup tips to look younger for any special occasion.

The good makeup can make a difference in your looks, and you can easily look younger using it. If you seek a younger looking face, employ the following makeup tips and tricks.

1 Brighten the inner corners of eyes

Most of the people provide complete focus to the circles and eyelids when applying the eye makeup. When it comes to look younger with good makeup, it will be a good option to add some brightness to the inner corners of your eyes. It is a simple trick that you can choose when choosing animator for your eyes. You will feel the refreshing and enhanced look of your eyes with it. It can really make a big difference to your looks and overall makeup. You will add the makeup to cover dark circles of eyes for sure, but it can be a good idea to brighten the inner corners to look young.

inner corner eye makeup Top 10 Makeup Tricks to Look Younger - 1inner corner eye makeup Top 10 Makeup Tricks to Look Younger - 1

2 Use moisturizer before foundation

It is a big mistake that most of the ladies make while applying foundation. It is never a good idea to put the foundation without a moisturizer. The skin will absorb the moisture from your foundation. It will cause the magnification of wrinkles and dry patches on your skin. To avoid such magnified wrinkles and patches with the foundation, you should always use a good quality moisturizer before applying the foundation.

3 Use concealer for spots coverage

If you are thinking to cover everything with foundation, it can be a bad idea and it will not look natural on your skin. To look younger, you will always need to cover the dark spots on the skin. It will be a good option if you can use the concealer to cover the dark spots instead of foundation. It will always look natural as compared to the foundation, and it will not cause the wrinkles and unnatural touch to your skin.

4 Avoid the powder unless having oily skin

If you are of an age above 45 or 50 years, it is the time to say bye-bye to your powder. If you are using the excess powder to your makeup, it will change to the wrinkles and will make your face look dull. If you have oily skin, then it will be good option to use the light powder to add a good touch to your looks. The use of extra powder at this age will make your looks older instead of younger, so avoid it if possible.

5 Eyeshadow color opposite to the eye color

When it comes to getting a younger look with makeup, the color of eyes will always make a big difference. This trick will be really helpful to change your looks with makeup. You just need to find a perfect combination of shades for your eyes. When you are applying eyeshadow, go for a color opposite to that of your eyes. For blue-eyed women, for example, brown, copper, plum or any other dark shade will do great.

6 Dark color for upper waterline of eyes

When you want to look refreshing and awake with a good makeup, choose a dark color of upper waterline of your eyes. You need to be careful when applying it, for you need to make a proper water line with a good quality dark color. It will be good if you find a waterproof color to add to the upper inner of your eyes. It is a great option to look younger with makeup.

7 Add some younger colors to lips

When you are choosing the color for your lips, it will be good to pick some younger colors. The light rose pink will look really amazing. If you want to make it more attractive, use the touch of Shiny lip gloss in the middle part of your lower lip. You can also add the Vaseline instead of Lip for more beautiful lips.

8 Strategically highlight

When it comes to providing the youthful effects to your skin, highlighting will be the perfect option for it. If you go for the cream formats instead of powder for highlighting, it will look more natural. You need to use it atop of cheekbones, down the bridge of the nose and on the Cupid’s bow. It will provide the perfect youthful effects to your skin.

9 Focus on eyelashes

Many of the ladies do not prefer the eyelashes makeup to but it can really make a difference. You need to give focus to eyelashes when you are applying makeup. It will look really great and younger if you are adding the attractive shade to your eyelashes.

10 Add some glow

With the increasing of age, the oil production of your skin decreases. If you do not want to look dry and tell for your skin, it will be a good option to add some glow by using a good quality Blush on your cheeks. It will provide the glamorous touch to your smile instantly.

These are some of the useful tips and tricks that you can use to look younger with makeup. Adopting them right will always depend on your looks and face type.
