Using social networking sites has recently become very popular among people from around the world and this popularity increases more and more every day making it essential to think of the importance of these sites. One of the most common things that people look for now is how to create a trending topic on social media. Creating a trending topic is highly desired and sought after by most of the twitter users. Trending topics are more important and beneficial to public figures and business owners for marketing. It may be thought that creating trending topics is not easy, but in fact this is not true. Any topics can become trends if they are very popular in a short period of time. What increases your chance to quickly and easily create a trending topic is to find that there are not many trending topics which are popular among users on social media and can compete strongly with you. Some topics can become a trend for a long time while there are others that do not last for a long time since they can be a trend for just a few minutes and this is determined by the frequency of tweets or mentions. To learn how to create a trending topic, follow these tips.
♦ Make your tweets visible
In order to make your tweets more visible to the users on social media, you only need to use hashtags. Using hashtags allows you to mark your tweets and make them associated with certain keywords or categories. Your tweets will appear to the users who are searching for tweets about the same category or keyword you are talking about or using in the tweets that you write. There are two ways for adding hashtags; you can use it in the middle of the tweet or at the end after finishing the tweet. For example, “Use flowers to decorate your home. #flowers” OR “Decorate your home through using #flowers.”
♦ Check out the trending topics
In order to create a trending topic, you first have to take a look at the other topics that are trending and popular among users on social media. Discovering what is popular among users on social media will help you to decide whether your topic is going to be interesting and popular among people or not.
Discover more about the trending topics through checking out what is presented by “Trends” column on Twitter homepage in the right sidebar under the “Following” section. If you want to check the trending topics in a specific place or country, then you can easily do this through clicking “Change” for trending topics in particular places.
♦ Encourage more followers
Keeping your tweets friendly and casual at good times without being aggressive will help you to increase followers and encourage them to listen to you. Many tweets about your topic in your feed can also cost you followers and asking your followers to constantly retweet your tweets is not a good idea at all as it may be thought. Tag or invite only those who are interested in your topic.
♦ Use suitable hashtags
Using suitable hashtags that are associated with what you are talking about will make twitter users respect you and can also increase your followers. There are some business owners who tweet about their products through using hashtags that are not related to what they write but instead are associated with significant events that are currently taking place around us which annoys twitter users and may also decrease the number of followers.
♦ Easy words
Do not forget that the words or keywords which you use to refer to your topic should be easy to be understood and remembered in order to allow the online users to know what you are talking about without forgetting it. You also have to avoid using many words in your hashtag.
Try to constantly offer updates and new information that cannot be found anywhere. Make your tweets funny and emotional to increase followers, but make sure that they are related to your topic.