To make your hair grow quickly and naturally without the need to wait for a long or to use chemical substances is of course impossible, isn’t it? Of course, this is not true at all. Sometimes, you feel that you want to change your hairstyle by getting your hair cut. You may feel that getting a new haircut can make you look more gorgeous and attractive for those who see you, but you will quickly, or after a short period of time, find that you miss your long hair and want to get it back again, but how to do that after cutting it? The good news is that getting your long hair back is not impossible as there are natural methods that can help you to get your hair grow faster without the need to wait for a long time. What are these natural and easy methods? Let’s discover more about this through taking a look at the tips that are presented here.
♦ Trim your hair every two months
How am I going to trim my hair if I want it to grow longer? You are right, but what you do not know is that trimming your hair is really beneficial to you since it helps you to get rid of the dead or split ends making your hair healthier. It is recommended that you should trim your hair “1/4 inch” every 6 to 8 weeks to get the best results.
♦ Get a scalp massage
It is one of the best things you can ever do for your head in general and your hair in particular. Getting a scalp massage using hot oils helps you to stimulate hair follicle, get your hair grow faster and to relax in an unbelievable way. You can do this on your own or with the help of another person. There are several oils that you can use for this purpose such as olive oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil and more oils.
♦ Use egg whites
Egg whites are very beneficial to your hair for the healing properties that they have. Making an egg white mask and applying it to your hair will allow you to make your hair shiny, soft and stronger which helps it to be healthier and grow faster.
♦ Drink 8 cups of water per day
Drinking about 8 cups of water every day helps your body to get rid of the toxins fast. Drinking water is not only beneficial to the body, but also to your hair since it makes your hair stronger and hydrated instead of being dry which helps your hair to grow faster.
♦ Avoid over brushing your hair
Brushing your hair once or twice a day is very enough to stimulate the process of circulation in your scalp and encourage your hair to grow.
♦ Avoid brushing it when it is wet
Do not brush your hair when it is wet to avoid breakage and use those combs with wide teeth especially if you have tangles.
♦ Eat a healthy diet
Eating healthy types of food helps you to make your hair strong and encourages it to grow faster. Healthy food which is rich in protein, minerals, vitamins A, B, C and E, selenium, copper, zinc, magnesium and iron is extremely great for your hair to make it stronger and healthier.
♦ Use essential oils
Using essential oils helps your hair to grow faster. Try applying a mixture of (some jojoba oil, 2 drops of cedarwood oil, 2 drops of thyme oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil and 3 drops of lavender oil) to your head.
♦ Boil onion and use its water
Do you believe that onion can help your hair to grow faster? Yes, this is true. Bring some onions and boil them into water. Use the onion water for your hair but do not forget to rinse it.
♦ Rinse it with apple cider vinegar
Mix apple cider vinegar with some water and use this mixture for rinsing your hair especially after using shampoos. If there is a smell that you do not like, add a few drops of the essential oil that you like to the mixture that you prepared for rinsing your hair.
Other tips that help you to make your hair healthy & grow faster
Avoid blow drying, try to avoid stress, do a conditioner treatment, avoid silicon-based hair care products, keep using natural care products, avoid applying hair conditioners to your scalp, avoid washing your hair every single day and it is enough to wash it 2-3 times a week, keep away from using hairstyling products, use palm oil, protect your hair with a scarf or hat, use silk pillow covers instead of the cotton ones, avoid tight braids, cornrows and ponytails while sleeping and keep away from using rubber bands that can break your hair.