Nothing beats that wonderful feeling of receiving a bouquet of fresh and colorful flowers or that sense of pride when you get to pick blooms straight from your own garden.
Unfortunately, blooms can fade easily once they are taken out of their roots. Good thing that there are some tricks and tips to make flowers last longer.
Here is a quick cheat sheet on how to make those lovely flowers last forever:
1 Harden the Blooms:
Most of you might not be aware of it but did you know that you need to put flowers in 110°F water. Well, bet this information caught you off guard and it sure does not hurt that you know it by now. When you place flowers stems in water warmer than body temperature, you are actually helping the flowers to get the hydration that they need. Flowers last longer and become stronger when their stems are also strong.
2 Keep Them Well-Groomed:
In the same way that ladies need it, your flowers also need to get that weekly manicure. Once you have decided on your beautiful bounty, make sure that you cut their stems correctly, that is half an inch and slanted. Then, you can already arrange the studs before you splash them down in some water with the right temperature.
3 No to Fruit and Flower Mixes:
Although flowers and fruits can look outright gorgeous in photos when placed together, the truth is, they should not really hang together like best friends all the time. There are a lot of fruits which can cause rotting in your stunning bouquets that it’ll be impossible to make flowers last longer.
4 Go for Hairspray Preservation:
You might not believe this one but that stiffening spray from the aerosol cans can actually provide a similar effect on flowers. You can spray the petals then hang them upside down with the stuff. Do this and you will surely enjoy looking at buds that are simply amazingly beautiful.
5 Feed the Flowers:
Flowers last forever when you use store bought preservatives and DIY soda as useful choices to curb the hunger pains of your vase filler. Pour a concoction to the vase to whet that insatiable appetite.
6 Clean Up Your Vases:
It could be very time consuming to clean all those vases around your home but if you want your flowers last longer, keeping them clean all the time is something you shouldn’t take for granted.
7 Stay Away from Appliances:
Although many of you might not approve of this, there are times when people can’t really help but to try liven up their entertainment stations of desks with a vase or two. Unfortunately, having some flowers near your tech devices is not good for them. To make those flowers last longer and stay hydrated, better keep them in a cool area with lots of light.
It is definitely possible to make flowers last forever and all it takes is to know some simple tips and tricks for you to enjoy their lively colors and relaxing scent for a long, long time.