
How to Do Zombie Makeup with Toilet Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hello, fellow fans of Halloween! I have always been drawn to the scary fun of zombie movies. I wanted to dive into that undead world myself. So, I thought, why not become a zombie?

Let’s talk about a super fun way to make a zombie look. You can do this without spending much. The surprising key item is toilet paper. That thing we use every day can make you look super scary and real as a zombie.

So, you might be surprised. How can toilet paper help you look like a terrifying monster? The magic is in doing your makeup right and being a bit creative. I’m going to show you, step by step, how to use toilet paper and a few other things to make a zombie look. Let’s get started!

Get set for a thrilling ride. We’re going to make your zombie dreams come true. This guide is perfect for Halloween night or any costume event. It will turn you into a zombie people can’t help but fear.

toilet paper for zombie makeup

Zombie makeup is big for Halloween and costume parties. It turns you into a scary undead person. Using toilet paper for this is smart. It’s cheap, easy to find, and works well for creating wounds. We’ll talk about why toilet paper is great for this and what you need to start.

Why Use Toilet Paper for Zombie Makeup?

Toilet paper is great for making wounds and textures. It’s soft and molds easily. This lets you create realistic looking injuries and torn flesh. Toilet paper is absorbent. It helps blend makeup well and adds depth. This method is also affordable. You don’t need to buy special makeup effects.

What You Will Need

Before making zombie makeup, get these items for a pro look:

  • Toilet paper: Main for wounds and texture.
  • Liquid latex or glue: Binds the paper to skin.
  • Foundation: Pick colors that look zombie-like and match your skin.
  • Makeup brushes: For applying and blending makeup.
  • Fake blood: Makes your zombie look real and scary.
  • Eyeshadows and face paints: Use gray, green, and brown for decaying skin.
  • Setting powder: Helps the makeup last longer.

Step 1: Preparing Your Skin

preparing skin for zombie makeup

Before we start with the fun of zombie makeup, we must prepare our skin well. Doing this helps the look stay perfect and last longer.

Cleansing and Moisturizing

Cleansing is key for a fresh start. A gentle cleanser wipes away oil, dirt, and old makeup. This clears the way for your new look.

Next, don’t forget to moisturize. The right moisturizer fights off dryness and keeps your skin happy. Pick one that’s good for your skin and use plenty.

Applying a Primer

After cleaning and moisturizing, apply a primer. It’s the foundation for your makeup, making it go on smoothly and stay put. Plus, it smooths out your pores and lines.

Find a primer that matches your skin type. Coat your face evenly. This creates a protective layer. Your spooky zombie look won’t budge, even in scary settings.

With your skin all set, it’s time for the next step in your terrifying zombie transformation.

Step 2: Creating the Base

creating zombie makeup base

First, you need to ready your skin. Next, let’s make the base for your zombie makeup. Put on a foundation to even out your skin. This makes a smooth start for the rest of your look.

Applying a Foundation

Choose a foundation for the zombie look. Pick shades like pale, gray, or green. These mimic decayed, undead skin. Blend it well over your face, neck, and any skin you’ll show.

Adding Zombie Skin Color

For a really zombie skin tone, add more zombie color. Use gray and green makeup. Put it on places like eyes, cheeks, and temples. These are spots you want to look decayed.

Blend the zombie color with the foundation well. This makes your zombie makeup look more real. It gives depth and texture to your undead look.

Step 3: Making Fake Wounds with Toilet Paper

creating fake wounds with toilet paper

We’re going to learn to make fake wounds look real with toilet paper. You’ll need some special skills and tools. But, once you know how, your zombie makeup will impress everyone.

Tearing and Shaping the Toilet Paper

First, tear the toilet paper into small, irregular pieces. Use bigger pieces for more serious wounds. For small cuts, use the tiny bits. Remember, real wounds are not perfect, so make them look natural.

Then, crumple these pieces. This gives them a more realistic look. Torn flesh should look messy. Try different shapes and sizes for the best outcome.

Applying Liquid Latex or Glue

Now, stick the toilet paper on your skin. Put on a bit of liquid latex or glue where you want the wound. Spread the glue a bit farther than the paper’s edge.

Press the toilet paper onto the glue. Smooth out any bumps. Then, keep adding layers. The more you add, the better it’ll look.

Building Layers for Realistic Wounds

Add layers carefully. Use glue and toilet paper by layering them. Overlapping makes it look real. Let each layer dry before adding another.

Adding Texture and Depth

Now, it’s time for details. Use foundation or concealer to match skin color around the wound. Carefully blend the makeup for a natural look.

For a bloody effect, use fake blood or lipstick. Put it near the wound’s edge. This makes it look fresh. Focus on the deep parts for the real injury look.

With these steps, you’re ready to make great fake wounds. Start with toilet paper and add liquid latex or glue. Finally, blend makeup and blood for a zombie effect. Have fun and try different ideas for the best look.

Tearing and Shaping the Toilet PaperTear irregular pieces of toilet paper
Crumple the torn pieces to add texture and depth
Applying Liquid Latex or GlueApply a thin layer of liquid latex or glue
Press the toilet paper onto the adhesive
Building Layers for Realistic WoundsAlternate between torn toilet paper and adhesive
Add multiple layers for depth and dimension
Adding Texture and DepthApply foundation or concealer in varying shades
Add fake blood or lipstick for a gruesome effect

Step 4: Adding Details to the Wounds

adding details to zombie wounds

After making wounds from toilet paper, let’s make them look scary with extra details. Add color with makeup. Make the wounds look like they’re bruised. And don’t forget the blood and gore, they’re crucial for real zombie wounds.

Using Makeup to Add Color

To make wounds look real, use the right makeup colors. Pick red, purple, and yellow to look bruised and hurt. Put these colors near the wounds and blend well. You can add more layers for a scarier look.

Creating a Bruised Look

Try a bruised effect to make wounds seem real. Choose purple, blue, or green makeup. Put it around the wound edges and blend. This makes the wounds seem recent and painful.

Adding Blood and Gore

Zombie makeup needs fake blood and gore. Use fake blood and special effects makeup. Let the fake blood drip from the wounds for a scary look. You can make fresh cuts with fake blood on the skin.

For a bigger scare, use prosthetic like gelatin cups filled with fake blood. Adhere them to skin with adhesive. Cover with makeup to look like they’re part of the wound.

Now, your zombie wounds will be very scary. Adding color, bruised looks, and blood makes the makeup pop. These details make your zombie creation stand out.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

finishing touches for zombie makeup

Now your zombie makeup is almost done. It’s time for final touches to make it last and look real. These steps will keep your makeup looking good all night long.

Setting the Makeup with Powder

Setting the makeup is key to prevent it from smudging. Use a translucent powder for this. Dust it all over with a fluffy brush, especially on areas with more makeup.

Adding Final Details for Realism

To really look like a zombie, add some final touches. You can use makeup for dirt, bruises, or scars. Use colors that make your skin look old and worn. Blend everything well for a natural look.

Using Special Effects Contacts (Optional)

Special effects contacts can make your zombie look even scarier. Pick designs like bloodshot or infected eyes. But, always be careful with them and talk to a doctor if you’re worried.

Finishing Touches for Zombie MakeupSetting Makeup with PowderFinal Details for RealismOptional Special Effects Contacts
Locks in the colorsIncreases makeup longevityEnhances realismGives a haunting look
Prevents smudging and fadingDust powder all over the faceAdds dirt, bruises, or scarsMimics otherworldly eyes
Pay attention to wounds and textureBlend and feather for a natural effectConsult with an eye care professional

Tips and Tricks for Best Results

tips for best zombie makeup results

Creating perfect zombie makeup needs focus and special skills. Here are tips to get the best look:

How to Make the Wounds Look More Realistic

Make zombie wounds look real by adding depth and texture. Tear and shape toilet paper for the right effect.

Use liquid latex or glue to stick the paper on your skin. Add layers and let each one dry before the next.

After applying the wounds, use makeup for color and depth. Add shades like red and black for a rotting look.

Lastly, blend wounds with your skin using foundation. This makes them look part of you, not just a costume.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Creating zombie makeup? Avoid these common errors:

  • Applying too much makeup: Lightly apply makeup to avoid looking fake.
  • Using expired products: Always check product expiration dates before use.
  • Applying makeup without patch testing: Test new products on a small area to avoid allergic reactions.
  • Not blending the edges of the wounds: To look real, the wounds should blend well with your skin.

Safety Tips for Using Makeup Products

Though fun, zombie makeup requires safety. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Do a patch test: Test makeup on a small skin area to prevent reactions.
  • Remove your makeup properly: Use gentle remover and wash your face well after.
  • Avoid contact with eyes: Use care around your eyes to prevent irritation or injury.
  • Keep makeup products clean: Clean your brushes and sponges to avoid bacteria.

Following these tips and being safe leads to great zombie makeup. Enjoy your new, scary style!


Making spooky zombie makeup with toilet paper is easy and fun. It changes any Halloween costume. It also makes you a star at costume parties.

Toilet paper is great for fake wounds. It tears easily and sticks well to your skin. Add liquid latex or glue for better staying power.

Use makeup to add color, bruises, and fake blood. This makes your zombie look even scarier. Pay attention to details like foundation and final touches for realness.

Have fun with these ideas. Making your own zombie look is budget-friendly and looks great. So, go ahead and try it!

Sarah Bennet

Sarah Bennet is a renowned fashion stylist and accomplished writer with a passion for weaving captivating stories amidst the world of style and glamour. With a career spanning 13 years, Sarah Bennet has established themselves as a leading authority in the fashion industry. Having honed their expertise through years of hands-on experience and an innate sense of style, Sarah has garnered recognition and praise for their exceptional work. Their keen eye for fashion trends, impeccable attention to detail, and ability to create visually stunning ensembles have earned them a prominent place in the industry. As a writer, Sarah Bennet seamlessly merges their love for fashion with compelling storytelling. Their works have been celebrated for their ability to transport readers into a world where fashion becomes a character in itself. With a focus on different fashion designs and styles, Sarah Bennet crafts narratives that enchant and captivate readers, leaving them yearning for more. Beyond their professional achievements, Sarah's journey is as captivating as the stories they create. Their passion for fashion was ignited from an early age, and they have dedicated their life to transforming the art of styling into a literary experience. Inspired by many famous fashion designers and influencers,… More »
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