Categories: Garden

How Artificial Plant Lights Will Help Growing Your Plants?

    Most of people like to have several types of plants at their houses and consider it a main part of their home decoration, they keep these plants either at the garden or inside any room of the house. But if your house is not shiny and sunny enough for the growth of your plants, you will need to have artificial plant lights.

plant lightsplant lights

   There is no doubt that the low light will affect your plants badly and make their growth very slow and weak, as well as the production of fruits, will be so weak as a result of the lack of light. With the artificial plant lights, you will solve this problem, but while choosing these artificial lights, you must choose the perfect colors for the growth and the flowering of your plants, such as the red, orange, and blue colors. You could have these grow lights from Agron and select from their options such as basic lights, Ceramic Metal Halide lights (CMH), and many more.

These lights will help you a lot to grow your plants indoor, but if you will use these artificial plants you have to give your plants more hours of the artificial lights so as to compensate the natural process in which the plants receive the energy of light from the sun, your plants will need more watering too under lights.

There are many types of these plant lights and they are available on the markets with reasonable prices, each type has its characteristics and advantages and disadvantages, here we have some of these types that will help you to choose the appropriate one for your plants. 


We have the Fluorescent Plant Lights which are not expensive nor intensive like other types and they can be used at a limited area. We also have some other types of plant lights like MH bulbs and  HPS bulb. These artificial plant lights are very practical and useful for your plants and they can be placed any where at your house.

