
The Health Benefits of Negotiating an Uncontested Divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful life events anyone can go through. Additionally, high-stress levels result in your body’s immunity levels dropping to dangerously low levels. Which, in turn, can lead to a total system breakdown and severe illness. Thus, according to Attorney Justin Oliver, the question that must be asked and answered is not how to avoid getting divorced. Instead, the salient point of this article is how to reduce stress levels by negotiating an uncontested divorce. By way of answering this question, here are several advantages to negotiating a divorce settlement that is not acrimonious, nor one that ends up being contested in the divorce court.

1 Reduced stress levels

It is essential to note that most of the health benefits associated with lower stress are linked to one another. For example, reducing stress levels will improve immunity levels, and translate into improved physical health wellbeing, and so on.

2 Improved mental health

According to the article by Joseph Rauch, titled “How Divorce Impacts Men’s Mental Health,” men who are going through a divorce tend to develop mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. Consequently, they run the risk of self-medicating by abusing alcohol and illegal drugs like cocaine. Thus, to reduce the risk of contracting mental and emotional health issues, the divorce must be settled as soon as possible. The only way a divorce is settled quickly is if both parties work together or hire individual attorneys who can work together to dissolve the marriage as soon as possible.

3 Increased inability to continue holding down a job

High-stress levels can result in the inability to hold down a job in short- to medium-term. This fact, in itself, adds to the already sky-high stress levels, and everything degenerates into a vicious cycle of stress, mental and physical illness, sick leave, increased stress levels, psychological and physical illness, and sick leave. Therefore, the sooner the divorce order has been granted, including child support, custody, and visitation arrangements, as well as asset divisions, the less the risk of a total mental and physical health breakdown.

Final thoughts 

In summary, it is essential to highlight that sometimes a divorce is unavoidable. Therefore, the pertinent point is not whether the divorce is a good or bad thing, and whether or not people should not get divorced. The salient point of this article is how to reduce stress levels to reduce the divorce’s impact on everyone’s physical, mental, and emotional health.
