Eye whites may be a part of your body that you very rarely notice or even look at, but have you checked their color lately? Due to the excessive work most of us go through, too much staring at Mobile or laptop screens and the sleep deprivation of the whole generation, eye whites tend to get red or even yellowish. But this may also happen due to simply growing up. Eyes undergo major changes in mid-life, the eye scleras (or whites) start adopting a yellow or brown shade with age. Environment has a major role in this as being exposed to dust and ultraviolet rays are major factors as well.
So what’s the big deal with having yellow eye whites? Studies showed that yellow or brownish eyes can make you look a lot older, plus they give the impression you are tired or maybe sick. While a clear white sclera is linked with beauty and health. If you just found out you have this problem, then you are about to find out how to treat it as well.
There many different ways of treatment, either in a medical way, dieting tips or covering up with makeup. Let us start with the faster ways for immediate results
Eye drops:
Not your normal everyday cleansing or hydrating drops though, but if you wear contact lenses try to always apply the hydrating drops to prevent redness. The two most known eye drops used by makeup professionals and beauty editors are “Rohto cooling eye drops” which are Japanese drops that instantly release redness, and “Innoxa blue drops” which are Swiss blue colored drops that will counteract the yellow tint in your eyes, leaving you with sparkling, white, healthy looking eyes.
Soy Milk:
Apply cotton pads soaked in cold soy milk over your eyes; soy milk has anti-inflammatory properties so it will reduce the puffiness and the bloodshot eyes, applying it cold helps shrink blood vessels as well for a clear eye white.
Hydrate your body:
Be sure to drink plenty of fluids as dehydration will affect your eye whites, along with all other body parts to from skin to lips. Water is extremely important for general health and beauty.
Now here are some makeup tricks that will make your eyes look like they were shining in no time.
1 Shimmering shadow:
Apply white shimmery eye shadow to the inner corner of your eye, you’ll be surprised by how much it brightness your eyes and cancels out the dark area beside your nose.
2 Blue liners:
We already explained how blue will cancel out the yellow color, so try using blue eyeliner along the bottom lash line of your eye instead of your usual black one. Black will only emphasize the drama in your eyes so avoid it. Also using blue mascara will lighten up the area, curl your lashes as much as possible, lifted lashes lighten up your eyes. Also you can line the lower line with a nude skin toned bright color to neutralize redness.
3 Concealer:
Use any illuminating concealer to cover up the dark circles under your eyes, the brighter the area becomes the more your eyes will seem to sparkle, apply some of the concealer above your eye as well.
Now for tips that will take a little time but will surely have an effect on your general health and beauty not just your eyes, it mainly revolves around eating healthy:
- Vitamin A: whenever vitamin A is mentioned one certain vegetable pops in mind, yes, carrots! Rich in vitamin A and beta carotene that will keep your eyes healthy and fresh looking, other orange or yellow fruits and veggies are also advised like peaches, papayas and mangoes.
- Vitamin C: found in oranges and grapefruits, can help prevent the buildup of foreign debris in your eye.
- Vitamin E: found in nuts and wheat germs.
- Antioxidants: found in leafy greens like kale, spinach and Romanian lettuce. Antioxidants will reduce risks of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.
- Zinc: found and meat and many kinds of vegan products like Tahini. Also in mushrooms, avocados and pine nuts.
And finally try avoiding a few things that can irritate your eyes like dust or pollen grain, also try to avoid being in contact with smokers as they smoke. Wear sunglasses when outdoors to protect your eyes from wind and UV rays and try to avoid drinking caffeine as it helps in dehydrating the body, or drink a cup of water to balance each cup of coffee you get.