
Everything You Need to Know to Get Started with Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is an exciting newer medium that allows remote workers to collaborate, instructors to educate, and sales teams to impact their prospective customers from anywhere in the world. When you incorporate video conferencing into your communications repertoire, you add a unique way to connect with others in a way that is almost as good as a handshake.

Video Conferencing Everything You Need to Know to Get Started with Video Conferencing - 1Video Conferencing Everything You Need to Know to Get Started with Video Conferencing - 1

1 Features You Need in Your Platform

Make sure you have a service that provides high-quality video and audio that will not get grainy or cut out on you. Using a video conferencing system that offers HD integration provides the smoothest performance available for a productive meeting. Most businesses benefit from service that offers multiple options for connection so participants can dial in, use their browser, or join through mobile phones. File and screen-sharing make it easier to share the visual picture of the information you are trying to convey, and presenter and audience controls create a more focused meeting environment. Some services limit the number of meetings you can have as well as the number of participants in the meeting, which may be fine for your business. Make sure. However, that limitations do not restrict your ability to accomplish your objectives. Finally, operator-assisted video conferences can give your process a more personal touch and help you stay on track.

2 Know How to Use Your Software

You want software that is simple and intuitive so you can focus on more important things like preparing for your meeting and keeping your business organized. To keep things as professional as possible, make sure you know how to use your software before your first meeting starts. That way, you do not get stuck sucking up your valuable time with glitches and complications. Your video conferencing tools have powerful features to make communication effortless, but only if you know how and when to implement them.

3 Choosing Equipment That is Best for Your Needs

For individual presenters, the camera on your laptop or mobile phone will usually suffice. When you have a room full of people or multiple presenters, you may need special webcams and microphone pods to make sure everyone gets picked up. Smaller rooms generally require a wider angle lens so that the camera can still pick everything up even when positioned in close quarters.

4 Selecting Your Space

The space you use can have a major effect on your audio and visual quality. The space you broadcast from should be clean and free of clutter and other distractions. You should not be able to hear the noise and activity from other spaces and avoid rooms which echo. Usually, rooms that have a few bookshelves or pictures on the walls and carpet on the floors will help cut down on sound bouncing around the room.

5 Optimizing Your Lighting

Unless you are planning to share screens and look at files the entire time, the major point of video conferencing is to see others and to be seen. If your lighting is dim, then it will look like you are in a dungeon—not a good look for most businesses. If your lighting is too harsh, you will blind your audience, and it will distract them from looking at the screen. The best lighting for video conferences is indirect LED lighting that illuminates participants as well as the walls behind the participants. Though the colors of the room and furniture will affect optimal balance, so keep that in mind as you prepare your space.

6 Dress for Success

Every part of your appearance influences people. Your haircut, the way you smile, and your clothes will all affect the impression people get from you and the information they retain. Your hair should be neat and clean. Your clothes should be pressed and fit properly. Avoid busy patterns, polka dots, and plaid, which are all distracting. Mid-tone blues and greens tend to show up best on camera. Additionally, do not wear any jewelry that jingles when you move.

7 Maintain Eye Contact

When the people you are communicating with are not in the room, it can be difficult to remember that anyone is looking at your face. Remember to look straight at the camera as much as possible. Know your meeting agenda and talking points, so you don’t have to look down at your notes the whole time.

8 Exude Confidence

You have done all the work necessary to have an efficient, productive video conference, so let that knowledge shine throughout your interaction. People will have more faith in you and your statements when you act like and believe you know what you are talking about. Look at the camera, sit or stand up straight, smile, and speak clearly. Use your body and your face to convey your message thoroughly.

Final Thoughts
Video conferencing can be a useful, enjoyable tool for business relations, sales, education, and interviews. The best way to make sure everything goes smoothly is to be prepared to take on this newer medium through practice and following a few practical tips. Now that you know what you need, you are on your way to your first successful video conference.
