Categories: Lifestyle

How to Gain Weight Fast, Easily & Healthily

Have you ever imagined that you are going to read such a title or an article about gaining weight instead of losing it? There are many people who look for any efficient way that can help them to lose weight and become thinner than they are. Gaining weight is the most common health problem that spreads among most of the people living in this world as they suffer from gaining weight quickly without being able to control themselves. Most of the tips and solutions that are presented in this field are for those who want to lose weight, but what about gaining weight? It may be thought that gaining weight is much easier than losing it. As a matter of fact, this is true for most of the people, but not all of them.

There are many people who suffer a lot to lose weight, while there are others who also suffer but to gain weight not to lose it. It is commonly thought that being thin is mainly caused by fast metabolism, but this is not the only reason as there are other factors that are related to lifestyle and are responsible for this problem. Eating and exercising are the only healthiest solutions to gain weight. Here are easy-to-follow tips that show you how to gain weight fast, easily and healthily.

♦ Eat and eat for more weight: In order to gain weight, you have to eat several meals throughout the day ranging from 5 to 6 meals per day. Increase the portions of food that you usually eat.


♦ Healthy food: If you want to gain healthy weight, you have to keep away from sugars, processed food, and junk food. Go for those healthy types of food which are rich in protein for building muscles and carbohydrates for providing your body with the needed energy. Eat more meats, fish, eggs, cheese, soy products for vegetarians, whole grains, pasta, potatoes, brown rice, healthy oils, and dairy products, but keep away from ice cream. Do not forget eating fruits and vegetables for fiber and vitamins.

♦ Nutritious snacks with high calories: Snacks like dried fruits, cheese, cashews, avocados, butter, peanut and nuts are all high in calories which help you to gain more weight quickly.

♦ Healthy drinks: Drink milk, smoothies and avoid coffee and sodas. Although coffee and sodas can help you to gain weight, they are unhealthy to you.

♦ Do not drink before eating: You should not drink water or any other type of drinks immediately before eating because this will make you feel full. Instead of that you can drink water 30 minutes before eating.

♦ Eat at night: People are usually recommended to avoid eating at night because this encourages the process of gaining more weight, so you can do this now. Eating a big meal at night and having dessert after that will help you to gain more weight.

♦ Exercising for gaining more weight: Eating different types of food is usually recommended to gain weight, but what about exercising? Exercising is usually associated with burning fat and losing weight and it is also beneficial to those who want to gain weight.

Exercising helps thin people to build muscles and it also increases their appetite. There are several exercises that you can do for gaining weight such as crunches, push-ups, squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses, barbell rows and lunges. Start with easy exercises and when your body gets used to these exercises, look or what is more difficult.

♦ Stop burning more calories: You have to reduce the physical effort that you exert to stop burning more calories. Enjoy your time while eating and watching TV without worrying about what is going on around you.

♦ Stop smoking: Avoiding smoking is recommended to both of those who want to gain weight and lose it. Smoking will decrease your appetite, so you have to stop it or at least avoid it before eating.

♦ Relax: The last tip is relax. Try to relax because the stress from which you suffer may be responsible for decreasing your appetite and preventing you from eating and gaining weight.
