
10 DIY Hacks to Get Rid of Pests in Your Garden Shed

Unwanted pests in your garden shed is not a pretty sight. They are a threat to your plants and the entire shed. While most people are at a loss of an hour to banish these pests, Pouted magazine has some simple solutions for you. Use these 10 DIY hacks to banish pests from your garden.

1 Clear the shed of any garbage

Pests are known to live in garbage. If you are like many homeowners who usually keep their waste close to their shed, you need to stop this practice. This is such a bad idea since you make it easy for the pests to attack you. The pests are all about the free meal and accommodation that your garbage provides them. Please, get rid of the garbage and watch them disappear.

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2 Seal off all the cracks you have in your shed

Leaving the cracks in your shed is a bad idea. How else do you think such pests like snakes, rodents, bugs, and most other pests got into the garden shed. They usually get in by way of the cracks in the siding and through the flooring. For you to stop them from ever honoring this open invitation, you need to seal off all the cracks in the shed.

3 Get rid of plants

Having plants around your shed invites pests. Bugs hide in plants and find their food and even live there. Having plants close to your shed can lead to the bugs moving in to stay in your garden shed. Furthermore, to complete things off, ensure that you do not have any weeds or plants around the garden shed.

4 Clean and hoover your shed

If you ever need to get rid of bugs in your shed, you will need to clean it up and hoover it. This will drive off spiders who like to hide out in clutters of dirt located in nooks and crannies of the shed. When you tidy up space, you will get rid of the space for the spiders to live. Additionally, you will minimize the number of spiders in the shed when you hoover up dust and cobwebs. You need to make sure that you cover every crack, check under furniture, door corners, frames, and other untouched places. You will need to get a handheld vacuuming device for this. Most handheld vacuums can be operated without ever using a source of power. A handheld vacuum will be excellent as you might not be able to get a source of power from your shed. Furthermore, you can easily get to high places with the handheld vacuum and other difficult to reach corners.

5 Drive off the spiders by using Citrus

Rather than using general pest control methods, you can opt for a more direct method instead. You can get rid of the spiders easily. The spiders are repelled by citrus, pretty much. Get a bottle of spray, add water plus lime juice or unsweetened lemon. Once this is done, you can easily wipe out the countertops by using this mixture.

6 Get rid of cockroaches by using borax

While most homeowners are unaware of this simple hack, it works like magic. You can use the home laundry powder known as borax to help eliminate the cockroaches in your home. To help prepare the solution, you could add up equal parts of sugar and borax. You could then proceed to apply these around your windows, baseboards, cracks, plus anywhere that you feel that there might be bugs. This is the perfect solution for the trick because it is a two-in-one solution. The sugar serves to attract the roaches, whereas the borax helps poisons and dehydrates them.

7 Get rid of mosquitoes by using catnip

While your cats may love catnip, this might not be so much of a good thing to mosquitoes. Based on a scientific investigation, it was discovered that catnip essential solution effectively repels mosquitoes. When compared to DEET, it was discovered that catnip has more potency than DEET. It has been concluded that catnip is a good solution to getting rid of mosquitoes around your garden shed. All you need to do is to put undiluted catnip essential oil on the skin to give you protection from mosquitos for two hours.

8 Use salt to get rid of fleas

If you alternately vacuum and salt the floors in your home, you will end up killing all the flea eggs. However, since fleas seem to have a reproduction cycle of just three days, it is good to be diligent in this regard. The best approach here is to apply your salt daily for nine consecutive days. After which, you need to use your vacuum every three days within these nine days. During this period, you should remember to empty your vacuum machine each time to avoid the live fleas from crawling right back to your garden shed again.

9 Get rid of dust mites with the simple use of Cinnamon oil

Dust mites are a regular feature in your garden shed. However, one excellent panacea to this infestation is the use of Cinnamon oil. This bark oil from Cinnamon is pretty effective in putting dust mites out of your garden shed. All you need do is to mix a few drops of the Cinnamon oil into an equal amount of both the denatured alcohol and water. Spray this around your garden shed to chase off dust mites.

10 Prevent water from getting into the shed

While water and mold damage to your shed can cause an influx of pests to your shed. Rainwater that leaks into the shed creates a breeding space for unwanted pests. It would help if you patched up any leaks through walls and roofs. Insects are attracted by moisture. This is one more reason why you need to keep your shed dry at all times.
