We all pass through difficult and challenging times that may come to be unaffordable for some of us. There are some people who lose their control over their inner feelings to harm themselves and sometimes it expands to include people around them. Anger can be expressed through many ways such as words, actions and through weapons which is the most severe way that may end the life of others. But here, weapons are used for another purpose that is completely different from their traditional uses. They are used on notebooks by the designer Yiweishen who aims at decreasing the rate of violent actions that increase rapidly especially in our recent days.
Yiweishen’s point of view is that you can get rid of your anger and express it in a peaceful way that does not harm others and you yourself. You can write on paper or draw what expresses your feelings to make all what is inside you clear in front of you without annoying others. The designer wants also to express the importance of intellectual creativity that is the real weapon in our life by which you can fight and remove anything that works as an obstacle in the way for achieving your wishes.
The new notebooks, which are totally different from the traditional notebooks that we used to see and use, have 3D shapes for weapons such as knives, revolvers and grenades on the hardcover of the notebook. They come in black for those who adore this color. The notebooks are considered to be one of the multifunctional tools as they are provided with key rings that can be used for hanging your keys.