8 Special Care Tips for Your Poodle

Just like any other dog breed, poodles need constant love and attention. Their breed is popular and easily recognizable, and most people usually see them as beautiful, stylish, and posh. They are usually part of dog shows because of how they look. They have an athletic build, and they are quite smart. Having a poodle takes a lot of work, and you need to know how to take care of them properly. They also have a reputation for being high maintenance, especially because their hair never stops growing and because they are big dogs, too. Here are 8 tips to guide you in taking care of your poodle:
1 Take them out for walks
At least twice a day, make sure to take your poodle out for long walks. This breed is known to be big, and as they grow older, their energy will only keep increasing. Thus, they get bored when they are left to do nothing. It is always important to spare some time to keep them moving and expel the energy they are holding in their body. This will also increase their agility and allow them to move faster, thus maintaining their natural build.
2 Groom them
Since poodles have thick fur, they should constantly be brought to a professional groomer every three to six weeks. This will prevent their hair from matting, and it will make them look clean and beautiful. Likewise, with the different products used by groomers, their coat will smell good and feel soft.
3 Always have clean water available
A dog’s hair dries up when they don’t get enough water to drink. Dry hair will mean that your dog’s coat will not look shiny, and it will seem as if they grew old in just a span of a few months. Make sure your poodle has constant access to clean and potable water. Since this breed is very fond of moving and running around, they also tend to be thirsty all the time. Having water around will avoid dehydrating your dog.
4 Give constant baths
Your poodle should be bathed every three weeks. This might seem a long time, but there is a good reason for this. When you bathe your poodle, it’s not just their fur that resets. Their skin will also do the same. Thus, if you keep bathing your poodle in short amounts of time, their skin will likely go dry and flaky. Make sure to purchase the best shampoo and conditioner for poodles so that their hair continues to stay as beautiful as ever.
5 Feed your poodle proper meals
Their digestive systems are very sensitive, and they can only take small meals at a time. Since poodles are very high maintenance, they can be fed with human food such as chicken or beef. However, make sure you prepare them well to avoid their stomach from having bad reactions.
6 Train them
Since poodles are known to be intelligent breeds, they need constant brain exercise. To do this, teach them different tricks and allow them to learn something new every day. Find activities that will require them to think critically so that they can maximize their brain’s capacity.
7 Have vet visits
For you to make sure that your dog stays healthy, take them to the vet regularly for checkups and prepare them for it. Dogs need different kinds of vaccines while still growing, so make sure you don’t miss your schedule because it is crucial to keep them safe. While they are still puppies, they are very susceptible to different types of sickness. Going to the vet regularly will relax you because a doctor will be available to guide you on what you need to do.
8 Allow them to meet other dogs
Some dogs tend to be shy or get very protective when they are always with their owners. This happens especially when there are no other dogs at home. Expose them to other dogs so that they can easily make friends and get along with others. This will reduce your dog’s boredom from constantly playing with toys that cannot even interact with them.
When you own a dog, it’s important to know their basic needs in order to care for them properly. No matter what breed it is, you need to give them all your attention. Just like humans, dogs have feelings, so treat them the way you would like to be treated and make them feel safe whenever they’re with you. After all, dogs are man’s best friend. As their owner, they will stay loyal to you and protect you the way you do to them.