It may be thought that growing taller is an impossible thing that cannot be achieved, but in fact there are several methods and exercises that can help you to increase your height. In order to grow taller and increase your height, you first have to know the main factors that are responsible for determining your height and increasing it. Growing taller and changing height is chiefly determined by genes and there are also other factors in the surrounding environment that can play an important role in determining your height. It is commonly thought that having two parents who are short means that their children are also going to be short, but in fact this is not true which means that there is still hope to grow taller if your parents are short. Keep reading the following tips to discover more about this and find out how you can increase your height.
♦ Predict your right height in the future
If you are still young and think that you are going to be short in the future because your parents are short but you do not know how to prove that, then you can predict your height depending on your parents’ heights.
◘ Add the heights of your parents (father and mother’s heights) to each other.
◘ If you are a boy, add 13 cm (5 inches) to the answer that you get and if you are a girl, subtract 13 cm (5 inches).
◘ Divide the answer by 2 and then add 10 cm (4 inches) to the whole number that you get.
The answer that you get is approximately your height that is predicted when you completely grow up but it is not entirely accurate.
♦ Do not stunt your growth
You may be the one who is responsible for stunting your growth. There are several environmental factors that can contribute to stunting growth such as alcohol and drugs especially for those who are still young to have such things. Caffeine prevents you from getting enough sleep, anabolic steroids, smoking and even second-hand smoke make you shorter.
♦ Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is essential for everyone especially for those teenagers and pre-teens who need more than 9 hours of sleep per night to allow their bodies to grow and get their tissues regenerated. HGH or the human hormone growth is necessary for us to get plenty of sleep to grow normally.[Source: Kingsberg Medical]
♦ Provide your body with the needed vitamins & minerals
In order to increase your height and grow taller, you have to eat right and provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals that it needs. You have to get plenty of carbohydrates and calories for energy, calcium for the growth of your bones, 500 mg of niacin on an empty stomach to increase the levels of growth hormone, Vitamin D for promoting the growth of muscles and bones in children, protein and zinc.
♦ Avoid illnesses with a strong immune system
Stunting growth can be caused by illnesses and this is why you have to avoid these illnesses through making your immune system strong. Eating fresh and healthy food, avoiding processed food and having plenty of Vitamin C are all perfect methods for strengthening your immune system and protecting yourself from different serious illnesses.
♦ Visit a doctor
If your family is tall and you eat right, get enough sleep, do not drink alcohol or have drugs and do not suffer from illnesses, however, you are still short and do not grow taller, then you have to visit a doctor to decide the main reason behind this problem.
♦ Do exercises
There are several types of exercises that can help you grow taller such as stretches, the cobra and hanging. These exercises and more can help you to increase your height but you have to do these exercises regularly and properly to get the results that you want to achieve.