
Best 10 Hair Transplant Clinics in Dubai

Shopping and tourism are the two biggest events why people flock their way to this Arab destination now and then. And for the most part, visitors have had pleasant experiences in this location, no matter where they came from. So, are you after the best hair transplant clinics in this region? Are you unsure if these guys in the U.A.E. will be as good in their clinics just as they are with tourism? If you seek a reliable hair transplant operation, Dubai is one of the places you can always turn to. Let Pouted online magazine give you a rundown of our top 10 hair transplant clinics in Dubai.

1 Harklinikken

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This clinic has gotten an international reputation for taking care of hair transplantation. So, if you are coming here, you must understand that it is difficult for anything to ever go wrong. They treat all forms of hair loss with the latest technology and the best medical techniques you can ever think of. If you are going for an eyebrow transplant or eyelash transplant in Dubai, this is exactly where you need to be. All the successful transplant operations completed by the staff and doctors are testimonies of their expertise.

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2 Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic

When it comes to hair clinics in Dubai, expertise and class are what differentiate the successful clinics from the ones that are not. Fortunately, this very clinic is the second-best clinic in Dubai that handles hair transplantation. They happen to be one of those who initiated hair restoration in Dubai, which is what accounts for the many certified surgeons they have in their ranks. And with their sophisticated tech equipment, you can only hope for the best in hair transplantation. Their ability to handle international patients has never been in doubt as their staff can speak other languages like Spanish, Turkish, and English.

3 Bizrah Medical Center

It is no coincidence that Bizrah Medical Center has been considered as the third best place you can turn to in Dubai for your hair transplants. As one of the most prestigious hair restoration clinics, the results are always outstanding. Their services are not limited to hair transplantation alone. They can handle anything that has to do with cosmetic surgery. From F.U.E. to eyelash transplants, you can be sure of having everything handled in the most professional manner.

4 Proto Clinic/ Dr. Wissam Adada

Reviews and claims are what has put this prestigious clinic at our number four spot. While there have been several attestations regarding their expertise, one has not been able to fully confirm the medical standards operated within this clinic. However, if you want to go by the testimonies that are out there, Dr. Wissam Adada does seem like a capable hand in these hair transplantation matters. The only way to be very certain about getting the best from quarters like these is by communicating with the clinic and asking them a few questions.

5 Hair Transplants & Restoration Clinics

There have been some remarkable hair transplantations at this clinic that speak volumes of their expertise and experience. The staff and doctors are super nice, you wouldn’t miss home for a moment. They specialize in major hair transplantation procedures. And you can count on their tech equipment to make sure there will not be any complications at the end of the day. Again, if you want to know of the exact areas of hair transplant that is available in this clinic, then you would need to put a call through to them.

6 Hair Transplantation

The name of this clinic alone tells you that these guys mean business. They seem to be a favorite spot for many who are after clean hair transplantation. They try to make sure that their patients are not put through so many pains when undergoing the operation. Are you interested in F.U.E., F.U.T., eyelash, bald, or even eyebrow, or any other related hair transplant services? These guys are capable of handling it.

7 Tunio Aesthetics DHCC

Tunio Aesthetics D.H.C.C. is surely one suitable destination for anyone who seeks hair transplanting in Dubai. These guys offer a wide range of services in the area of cosmetic surgery as well as bariatric surgery. They have certified board surgeons and highly skilled staff that can make your transplantation dream come true in an emphatic way. It really doesn’t matter the type of hair transplant services you are looking for, so long as it has to do with hair transplantation; you can rest assured that it will be properly taken care of by the professionals in this clinic.

8 Borna Medical Spa Laser Centre

Not too many clinics seem to have the kind of technology that these guys deploy when handling all forms of hair transplantation. Although there seems to be very little data existing on how they have fared particularly in this regard, the testimonials that are out there speak well of them. Their record of successful hair transplantation can only be verified when you contact a representative of the clinic. That said, I have a positive feeling you would be well-taken care of.

9 Ultracare Medical Group

Ultracare Medical Group is among the best hair transplant clinics in Dubai; you can be certain that their services will be much better than what you will get in many other places. They try to observe the best medical procedures in their operations and deploy the best technologies in every hair transplant procedure.

10 I.L.H.T

This is another popular destination for hair transplantation in Dubai. It is one of the most reliable spots the U.A.E. has to offer for such responsibilities. Their level of experience in such matters cannot be overemphasized, as they have been around for quite some time now. For any hair transplantation needs that you may have, you can make a brief stop at I.L.T.H. and find out what you should know about their capabilities.
