Categories: Technology

Appliances With Wifi Connect – Worth The Price? Is It That Good?

A few years back, major progress in regards to the technologies utilized by our favorite appliances would have seemed impossible as everything was already set and done, no real improvement looking viable. Luckily for us living in the modern era of technology and innovation, however, the situation changed, and after approximately 100 years of flat lining, change appeared under the form of Wi-Fi connectivity in smart appliances.

What sets them apart is the fact that you can operate these appliances over your smartphone or tablet as they connect to the internet through the existing Wi-Fi in your home. This seems like it’s taken straight out of a sci-fi movie, we are aware, but it is the reality we live in, one where convenience and speed top everything else. Alas, the asking price for these appliances generally considerably surpasses that of classic, non-smart models, so you have to ask whether or not it is an investment that worth making.

What Wifi connectivity offers in different appliances

  • Cooking appliances: With cooking appliances that have Wi-Fi connectivity integration, the biggest perk you enjoy is easier and more precise meal planning. You can pick the recipe that interests you, send the settings over the app to the Wi-Fi integrated appliance you plan on using, and you are ready to go. We cannot complain all that much when it comes to this specific department, however, as cooking appliances are modern enough as it is, using precision sensors that make it less likely for you to burn your meals, and provide a general steady and safe cooking process every single time.

  • Dishwashers: Doing the dishes stopped being an inconvenient chore many years ago when the dishwasher entered our kitchens for the first time. Now that this appliance has evolved, there’s the incredible convenience of being able to program it to start cleaning the dirty dishes you have loaded inside it over the phone.

  • Refrigerators: Depending on the specific model in discussion, you might be able to organize foods you bought smartly, being guided by the companion app of the appliance, and you could receive much-needed help when you are grocery shopping as you are allowed to check and see how much free space there is actually left in your fridge.

  • Washers and dryers: Whether you will benefit from remotely pausing the rinsing process or changing settings on either machine to ensure its program will suit the specific type of load you inserted, what’s a certainty is that you will find doing laundry a lot easier and more fun.

Reasons to modernize your kitchen through connectivity

1 Precision

Precision is key, especially when it comes to cooking, and, as aforementioned, cooking appliances offer this perk. It’s true that even some models that don’t feature this specific modern technology are reliable when it comes to cooking times and meal quality. However, the bonus of Wi-Fi integration gives you the upper hand when it comes to monitoring and selecting settings to suit the specified needs of the meal without putting any effort into the task whatsoever.

2 Convenience

Convenience is key, it’s the ultimate perk provided by Wi-Fi integration, hands down. You can start preheating meals before you leave work to find the oven at the right temperature when you get home; you start the coffee brewing process straight from your bed to find it ready to drink when you get up. You can turn off the dryer while you’re watching the TV, not having to get up to do so if you don’t feel like it. The best part is that these are only a few examples of how much your life will change after making this “smart” change to the way you do chores.

3 Lower costs

Energy efficiency is a defining trait with all Wi-Fi compatible appliances, utility bills seeing a major improvement as you make the switch from classic to smart. Some examples of how they will help reduce costs include the ability to set the dishwasher to run at the time of day when energy costs are at their lowest, and remotely setting the of the refrigerator to adjust different temperatures for the day and nighttime operation automatically.

4 Peace of mind

No matter how big of a perfectionist you are, forgetting to close the refrigerator door or turn on the dishwasher before you leave to work are inevitable occurrences that happen to us all at least once in a while. Here is where Wi-Fi connectivity saves the day as it offers peace of mind, allowing you to not only check up on your appliances remotely but change their settings according to your needs if you have not done so before leaving the house.

5 Future-proof

You should not be reluctant to switch to smart appliances as, through their specific design, they are built to keep up the pace with the latest operational upgrades, thus being future-proof. This means that you won’t find yourself tempted to change any of them for the foreseeable future, being safe to say that these are long-term investments that end up saving you money in the long run.

Verdict – Worth it or not?

Price varies depending on the specific type of appliance and model at hand. So don’t necessarily expect to have to pay a fortune to integrate Wi-Fi connectivity in your household appliances. Considering the amount of hassle they spare and how much easier they make your life, it’s safe to say that modernizing your home and opting for Wi-Fi connectivity wherever it is possible is a smart decision. When you draw the line, you work to earn money that you spend on making your life better, and this is the best method to turn to in order to improve all the essential aspects of home life.


The past century has not witnessed a lot of changes regarding how our favorite appliances run. However, in recent years, smart technology and Wi-Fi connectivity have taken the scene, their implementation in our household appliances, making our lives easier and better. However, the asking price matches the perks, so you have to ask – is it an investment worth making?
