70+ Most Popular Gel Nail Colors
There are different gel nail colors that you can choose from. While some can impact your overall appearance, others can make you look worse off. Pouted magazine will be aiming to look at some of the best nail colors in the market. Women with some positive results have tested these options.
1 Spearmint
This can also be referred to as a light green hue. One of the reasons it has become trendy is how many people consider it feminine and fantastic. It has always been quite stylish compared to other nail colors you will stumble upon in the market. If you are passionate about nail polish, there is every reason to use this color. The reason is quite simple – it is perfect for any skin tone.
2 Muted Mauve
Muted Mauve is neither pink nor berry. This makes it one of those neutral gel nail colors difficult to come by. It has a way of drawing the attention of others in public. Apart from that, it is fresh and can make you look stunningly beautiful. Muted Mauve is mostly ideal for people with dark or chocolate skin. This makes it very noticeable.
3 Vibrant Yellow
Making a statement with the right gel nail color is not easy. You could search the entire market without finding the perfect color to enable you to achieve such a goal. There is no need to worry, as vibrant yellow can do perfectly. This color is quite popular amongst women. But, of course, don’t forget that it represents enlightenment, hope, and happiness.
Vibrant yellow will always remain trendy amongst different categories of women, but you could use it for various occasions and events. Always expect it to have maximum impact.
4 Moody Blue
This blue has some similarities with the gray color in terms of appearance. One of the best periods to wear a nail with this color is during the winter season. Apart from that, it can also be used in other seasons. The best part is that it is great for any skin tone.
It is worthy of note to point out that moody blue wasn’t famous in the past. People preferred pink, red, or even black. However, times are changing fast, becoming the go-to option for many women worldwide.
5 Turquoise
This is a special combination of blue and green colors. Turquoise is popular, but very few women make use of it. You may want to consider adding this to your winter collection. In 2021, more women used turquoise than ever before for their nails. It is even expected to become trendy in 2022.
The primary reason why turquoise tends to stand out amongst other gel nail colors you will find here is how it makes you look feminine. It is soft and unique. Apart from that, it has the potential to enable you to radiate unimaginable beauty in public.
6 Vintage Emerald
Emerald nails don’t make many headlines, but they are exceptional. This is due to how they have been discovered to signify opulence. Using this color in public makes you look classy and unique. Probably you have always loved green but don’t know the right option to explore. There is no need to worry because emeralds will make a huge difference once used.
Using this gel nail color is like taking your fashion to another level that others can only dream of because of its uniqueness.
7 Red
There is something about red. This is because it has always remained trendy and stylish in the fashion world. If you can take a record of women using red-colored nails, you would be shocked to find out that it is the favorite option for most.
Red is perfect for different events and occasions. Also, it looks classic once used. It is like trying to bring back the 80s and 90s. The bottom line is that red remain relevant amongst other gel nail colors.
8 Mulberry
One of the most notable mulberry nails is how they can be easily noticed. Whether you have a long or short nail, this one will always prove perfect. Regardless of your nail’s shape, it can also make a huge difference. It is better to use accessories that match this color for maximum results. Looking feminine in public is possible with mulberry.
9 Deep English Green
There are many arguments about the perfect time to use deep English green. Some people are claiming it is great for the winter season; others are in support of summer. Whatever the case may be, there is no doubt that you will always look great irrespective of the time it is used. It is much better than you are imagining.
10 Hot Pink
This gel nail color is ideal for summer. The red color mentioned above is the second most popular amongst other gel nail colors. There is hardly any woman who hasn’t used this color in the past. Such is a sign that it is timeless. In 2022, it is going to become even more popular.
From the images, you will see that there are two primary options of pink color you can use for your nails. First, you could decide to choose light pink or deep pink.