Surfing waves is one of the most interesting water sports that allows you to enjoy your time in summer and its hot weather. In this sport, the surfers ride waves through using surfboards to paddle into water but most of the common waves that are surfed are small and low. What is more exciting is to surf waves which are big and high. Surfing the biggest waves is not easy and that is why it requires experienced surfers as the waves that are surfed are approximately more than 6.2 m high which is about 20 feet. The size of the surfboards that are used for surfing differs according to the height of the waves that are surfed.
There is not a typical surfboard that is used by all surfers even those who are experienced in surfing. Every surfer has his\her own techniques that differ from other techniques which are used by other surfers according to the height of the waves and other conditions that always change. It is known that the larger the surfboard is, the better it will be for you because large and long surfboards can help you as a surfer to paddle quickly to be able to catch the wave. Long and large surfboards can also help you to be more stable with high waves. If you want to increase your speed while surfing or want to enjoy maneuvering on waves, then these large and long surfboards will not help you to do that.
What makes big waves dangerous for surfers is that they are very strong and can push any surfer down to a large depth that ranges from 6.2 to 15.5 meters or 20 to 50 feet deep. Surfers should act quickly after being pushed down below the surfer of the water. They have to find a way up to return back to the surface of the water in less than 20 seconds before another wave comes to push and hit them again.
Big waves have the ability to kill surfers if they are not experienced enough to deal with them and act quickly when they come. A big wave can rupture your eardrums, can push you down to a reef or slam you into the ocean floor which leads to serious injuries or it may lead to your death. There are some surfers who think that using a leash on the surfboard can protect them while surfing and after being hit by big waves, while there are other surfers who see that the leash prevents them from moving easily under water and makes it difficult for them to fight waves and return back to the surface of the water.
Magnificent and stunning photos of surfers under the biggest waves