Eid al-Fitr is one of the happiest Islamic occasions that Muslims celebrate around the world every year after a long month of fasting from dawn to sunset and this month is known as Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr has several names and not only one, you may find it called as Feast of Breaking the Fast, Sugar Feast, Sweet Festival or the Lesser Eid. It is known as the Lesser Eid because it is celebrated for three days to be less than Eid al-Adha that comes after it and is celebrated for 4 days.
Eid al-Fitr comes in the beginning of Shawwal -in the Islamic calender- as a festival for breaking fast. Muslims are not allowed to fast on the first day but they can continue fasting after that day beginning with the second day to fast 6 days in this month as it is considered to be a “Sunnah” which mans that it was done by Prophet Mohammed-peace be upon him- and most of the Muslims do it as an optional choice and they are obliged to fast these 6 days after the Holy Monh of Ramadan.
Muslims come in Eid al-Fitr to visit each other, their relatives, friends and go to different places to celebrate this happy day together and share these joyful moments. Some of the Muslims celebrate this Eid in just one day while the others celebrate it in three days. The most beautiful feeling is when you see young children around you enjoying their time through playing and using fireworks which is one of the most obvious features to know and feel that the Eid has actually come.
It is one of the necessities for children to wear new clothes on this day to feel that it differs from other ordinary days in the year. Muslims greet each other on this day through visiting, calling and sending greeting cards. So, do not forget to choose one for those whom you love to send it wishing them the happiest and the most enjoyable day.