Categories: Art

50 Mouthwatering and Wonderful Wedding Cakes

There are many things that are required for celebrating weddings and without them, there will be something that is lacked. Among the necessities of weddings are cakes and they vary in their shapes, colors, decoration, tiers, and toppers. For the color of wedding cakes, you can find a wide range of colors from which you can choose what you prefer such as black, red, white, pink, yellow and brown. There are popular cakes that are made through using only one color while there are others that have more than one color mixed with each other whether it is in the cakes themselves or the pieces that are used for decoration.

Cakes are decorated through using different ideas to finally look fabulous like a piece of art and not just a wedding cake. You can choose the decoration idea that you like and that meets your taste. Most of the decoration ideas are inspired by natural items that exist around us such as flowers, branches, sticks, butterflies, seashells and more. The size, shape, and tiers of wedding cakes vary according to what you want as there are heart-shaped cakes, round and square-shaped ones, you can also find a mixture of sizes in the same cake to have a wedding cake with large tier and a small one above it. The most common number of tiers for the wedding is three and the toppers differ in their shapes; there are heart-shaped toppers, bride and groom and sometimes these toppers come to be funny.

The wedding cake can be surrounded with a nice ribbon in any color to beautify it. There is a new shape for wedding cakes which are known as Topsy Turvy cakes. This kind of cakes make you feel that the tiers of cakes are going to fall to make them look amazing and unique for those who like strange designs and decorations.  You can also find other unique designs for wedding cakes such as those which take the shape of suitcases and others that look like fairy tales.

So, try to choose the cake decoration that suits you, your wedding day and above all that suits your budget.
