When you begin to think of your wedding and plan for it, you care about every thing even the small details. You need first to decide the place in which you will celebrate your wedding and after that, you start thinking of decorating the place that includes the reception, tables, centerpieces, cake and lights. For the centerpieces, they are considered to be the main elements that are used for decorating the tables.They differ in their sizes and heights as you can find high centerpieces and low ones. Centerpieces can be prepared by using flowers which are the main and the most common to be used for wedding decoration, you can also use feathers and candles which add a romantic atmosphere to your wedding and make it fascinating especially when it becomes dark and candles are the only pieces to illuminat the place.
The flowers that are used for making centerpieces can be arranged in different ways and with different colors. You can mix more than one color to get the arrangement of flowers that you like or you can use only one color. Floral centerpieces can also be decorated through using crystals or pearls. You can use floral centerpieces at any place for decorating your wedding whether it is indoor or outdoor.
For candles, you can find them in different shapes as there are heart shaped candles, ball shaped candles, floating candles and other shapes that are used on tables for illumination and decoration. You can make a combination of flowers and candles through using candle holders next to the flowers. Candles can only be used for decorating indoor weddings and it is difficult to use them for outdoor ones because of the wind that may blow to put them out or make them fall to cause many problems that are really disastrous.