Categories: Gift ideas

40 Creative & Unusual Gift Wrapping Ideas

It is good to spend some time trying to choose a good gift for the one who will receive it, but what about wrapping the gift? If you always ask another one for wrapping your gift or do this at the gift shop, why don’t you try to do this on your own? Wrapping gifts is not difficult and it does not require a professional person to do this. All what you need is to try to get a few creative ideas that can help you to start wrapping your gifts on your own. There are many gift wrapping ideas; some of them are traditional and this can be done for those who do not like weird ideas, while there are other ideas which are really creative, weird and non-traditional.


Wrapping gifts does not require wasting your money as there are simple materials that you can easily find at your home and can help you to save your money. You can use paper whether it is the paper of the newspaper, magazines or even paper grocery bags that you throw after storing your groceries. Other materials that you can use are cloth, tape and glue.

For decorating the package or the gift after wrapping it, you can use the traditional ribbons and bows or use other decorative items such as dry flowers, paper flowers, small lamps and other ornaments. You can make artificial flowers on your own from paper or you can use crochet flowers. There are wrapping gift ideas that make your gift more interactive as the paper with which the gift is wrapped come with games such as crossword game, cars which are attached to the paper and other ideas that make the gift more attractive.
