Gift ideas

4 Great Gift Ideas for an Expectant Mother

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. However, a lot of the focus can be taken away from the mother, both at the baby shower and in everyday conversation. How’s the baby doing? Does he/she have a name yet? When is it due? The following four gifts are great for showing an expectant mother you’re thinking specifically of her. These gifts are also perfect for pregnant mothers who already have children, as they already have a lot of the baby essentials on hand.

1 Gift Certificate to Her Favorite Place

Pregnancy can take a mental toll. It can cause increased feelings of stress, issues with body image, and feelings of loneliness. Allow her to relax by giving her a gift certificate to her favorite place. An expectant mother may enjoy:

  • A massage
  • A spa or salon day
  • Date night with her significant other
  • A night out to eat with friends

If you’re unsure of where to buy the certificate to, ask someone close to her. This way, she’ll be able to enjoy a day of relaxation and guilt-free thoroughly.

2 Compression Socks

Pregnancy takes a physical toll as well as a mental one. Bath salts, postpartum pillows, and nursing balms are popular pain-relieving items gifted to pregnant or postpartum women. Choose a different route and give her some comfy compression socks. She may not think to get these life-changing socks for herself, as most people think compression socks’ benefits are limited to the older population. Compression socks reduce swelling and pain and combat varicose veins in pregnant women. They also improve circulation in the legs, which makes it easier to stay active, and helps reduce the dreaded swollen ankles suffered during pregnancy. is a great place to shop for stylish compression socks. They have affordable socks with trendy designs, so you’ll also be giving her fashionable products to liven up her look.

3 Food Parcels

Expecting moms may not be in the mood to prepare their meals. Plus, dining out can become expensive and unhealthy. Purchase a subscription to a meal kit service that makes home deliveries. Or, get a list of the meals she wants and go grocery shopping for the necessary ingredients. You can even take it a step further by preparing the meals for her! She would greatly appreciate the meal for her and her growing baby! If you want to make the most of this gift idea, do some meal prep and make some meals that will last an entire week. This way, she won’t have to worry about preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a little while.

4 Something to Look Forward To

If you want to help a mom who’s in her last trimester, consider giving her something she can look forward to, like a night of free babysitting. While this isn’t tangible, a new mother will appreciate the promise to babysit once her child is born. As fulfilling as motherhood is, it’s also tiring. The new mom in your life will eagerly cash in on your proposal to babysit once she needs it. Another gift is wine. If she was a wine connoisseur before her pregnancy, chances are she misses alcoholic beverages. Don’t be afraid to splurge on a bottle of her favorite drink, so she has one on hand to enjoy once the baby is born. While it’s up to you, we don’t recommend these gifts early on in her pregnancy. Some anticipation is okay, but a bottle of wine presented ten weeks into her pregnancy is a little harsh!

In a 2017 article, Time magazine reported that September is the most popular birth month in the U.S. If this is still true, you may know many moms who are ready to meet their new baby! While celebrating new life, let’s not forget to recognize mothers’ selfless sacrifices. If you have a soon-to-be mother in your life, consider making her day by gifting her with one of these four ideas!
