Categories: Pets

19 Animals Making Funny Faces

Every one who has any animal in his/her home, should meet moments of animals while they are making ridiculous faces. These faces could be pouting, smiling, laughing or any other form of emotional expression. These moments just need a perfect timing, a good camera with some luck to get some pictures of pets while they are making these ridiculous faces. Now, we are going to show 19 images of animals making funny faces, can you try not to smile ?!!

Does my teeth look clean ?!Does my teeth look clean ?!
Does my teeth look clean ?!
Oh my god !!Oh my god !!
Oh my god !!
Let me go, Please
Do I look attractive during winking?!
I’ll beat you..
Do I look like a fool ?!
Ninja show
Is it snowing outside?
I have a great will to get this tennis ball
Run away !! a big wolf is coming
I will cry
Hahaha it is a funny joke
What .. She get married?!
Say cheese !!
Smile to the camera..
Surprise …
I am happy.. I am happy
I am brushing my teeth to look bright..
I am trapped.. what did I do ?!!