
Top 10 Flowers that Bloom at Night

Have you ever gotten the chance to watch flowers bloom at night? It’s a fascinating experience that will leave you in complete awe. Experts have recommended watching of flowers blooming at night as a stress reliever therapy. However, you can only witness this singular act of nature when you have access to seeing such night flowers. It will be best if you start thinking about how these flowers can become elements of your beautiful garden. Lighten your garden with these suggestions from Pouted for top 10 flowers that bloom at night. I’m sure you’re going to love the experience because it is incredible. Here we go!

1 Night Scented Orchid

This night-blooming flower has got many flower lovers thinking due to its late hours’ blooming abilities. The Night Scented Orchid is mostly exclusive to the South and Central American regions. This flower does best when it is subjected to mild temperature conditions. Warm or cold temperature is just okay for it. It can bloom from the summer season to the fall season. These flowers equally help in scenting their surroundings at night.

2 Nottingham Catchfly

It is always a pleasant experience anytime you get to watch the Nottingham Catchfly blossom during the nighttime. The Nottingham Catchfly is yellowish-white in color and is very common around rock banks of South Finland. This esteemed flower got its name from the Nottingham Palace. What charm! This particular flower usually blooms between June and July. They like to open up at night and remain closed during the day.

3 Evening Primrose

Talking about how flowers bloom all night, the Evening Primrose has always been a brilliant choice. Many people prefer this flower due to how enriched it is with fatty acids that are essential for excellent health. Thankfully, this plant is exclusive to all parts of America. Evening Primroses are so much in number. They are more than 140 different types. It can grow up to between 3 ft and 5 ft long.

4 Chocolate Flower

The Chocolate Flower is one of a type night-blooming breed common to the U.S. around areas with hard limestone and grasslands. It has a fragrance that smells every bit like that of chocolate. The Chocolate Flower does excellently well at blooming between mid-spring and late summer. Anytime it finishes the blooming, a rich cocoa scent is what naturally follows until it is morning.

5 Tropical Night Blooming Water Lilies

You can always see the world as a beautiful place because of the tropical water lilies that can bloom at night. You will miss the fun if you are relying on people to gist you as these flowers bloom at night. Stay up at night and watch them flourish all the way. And in the morning they are done. The most beautiful part about this is that the Tropical Night Blooming Water Lilies exist in various colors.

6 Night Blooming Jessamine

There is plenty of bloom to enjoy when you have the Night Blooming Jessamine as part of your garden set up. History tells us that this flower is local to the people of South Asia and the West Indies. It grows perfectly in moist soils, and they can grow as long as 13 ft. When the months are getting warmer, the Night Blooming Jessamine is known to even blossom more at that period.

7 Moonflower

This great night-blooming flower will want to give you every reason to indulge in this night activity. As you can already guess, this flower opens up during the night hours and remains closed when it is daybreak. The color of the blossoms isn’t far from that of full moons, which gives them a charming appearance. It can scent all through the night with exceptional fragrance.

8 Four O’clock Flower

This flower has also gained more popularity because of its scientific name – ‘Mirabilis jalapa’ They have been so named since they are seen to bloom at night and close up in the morning. Take nothing away from this gracious piece as it exists in several colors that will make your heart gladden anytime you see them bloom. They smell so pleasantly that I don’t think you will be able to resist their charm.

9 Night Blooming Cereus

You may need to take a stroll to Southern Arizona and Mexico to have a firsthand experience of how the Night Blooming Cereus carries out its blooming rituals at night. It has been regarded as peculiar because it blooms only once in 365 days, anytime between June and July. When they open up during the night, they leave a beautiful scent that can last till morning.

10 Night Gladiolus

Allow the Night Gladiolus to show you what it’s got as flowers blossom at night, and you will not be disappointed. This creamy yellowish flower will always leave you with a very appealing scent. It’s mostly grown around regions that experience heavy rainfall. You can find them in areas at sea levels as well as high elevations.
