Women Fashion

10 Most Beauty Trends That Men Hate

No matter how advanced our world is, men and women will always have something to disagree on, especially when it comes to women’s fashion and beauty trends. There are a lot of styles that men usually do not mind seeing their women wearing, they might even love seeing them so often than not in these styles, but, certainly, there are other styles that women love but men are not fans of them. If you are having your first date, then you probably should take a look at this list below; we are not saying that you send your favorite outfits all away just for your boyfriend, you may just put them aside until they get along with your date and then he will, certainly, learn to accept you for who you are and what you love. Check out the list below.


BANGLES1 10 Most Beauty Trends That Men Hate - 1BANGLES1 10 Most Beauty Trends That Men Hate - 1
Almost every man around the world would agree that bangles should be on the very top of women’s annoying fashion trends list. Men do not like when there are a lot of these bangles on your wrist; they think that these things are annoying due to their loud metallic sound. Hence, if you are going to be together somewhere quiet and romantic, you must avoid wearing these bangles, or else you will have to deal with his constant frowns upon your clangorous bangles.


Well, there isn’t a woman out there who does not loves wearing lip gloss, but there are a lot of men who really do. Although lip gloss, for women, perfectly finishes any outfit, men find it annoying, especially if there is too much of it on the woman’s lips, or if it is very sticky. You might love sticky lip gloss because it means it is going to stay on your lips for as long as it takes, but that doesn’t mean that your man would love to have some on his lips too.


Your man, generally, would not have a problem seeing you in sneakers, but when these sneakers are wedges, then we are sorry to inform you that he is going to have a problem with this. These sneakers might be very popular even among celebrities, but men just have a different taste in fashion. If you love wearing these sneakers, try putting them on when you are going out with your girls, just avoid wearing them when you are with him.


Peplums look fashionable for women, but for men it is a big turn off. It might be a bit frustrating that men do not like the fashion trends that we, women, just fall in love with. You are such a lucky woman if your man doesn’t hate peplums, so now you can wear them confidently unless it is your first date, then no, we are not advising you to wear these.


Men do not seem to be big fans of anything that is above your waist, whether it jeans, shorts, or even skirts, and the reason behind that hatred remains unknown.



You know what is very frustrating about men? It is the fact that they do not seem to love anything that feels either fashionable or comfy for us. Ugg boots are strange footwear for men although they are very comfy. Hence, if there is a day when you are just too tired to put normal shoes on, just put your uggs on and give up on his compliment for that day.


Most of the women would agree that dark lipsticks look elegantly beautiful. When you wear a dark lipstick, you feel like a strong and fashionable woman, and you might even find other women going crazy all over it, but for your man, he might think you just look like Maleficent.


Men think that pantsuits are meant only for them, hence seeing you in any of them will make him feel that you don’t look womanly at all wearing that thing.


Beanies look cozy and make us feel warm, but men think that these headwear look dumb. No matter how cute or adorable you might think you look, he just won’t see it.


Men are so weird, they seem to hate everything that women think is cute. First beanies and ugg boots, and now oversized sweaters; they think that these sweaters look like those from the 80’s.
