The fact shows that the water is something liquid which has no taste or flavor, but although we still love to drink it and can not live without. Water is very important to our bodies’ health as it improves the textures of our skins and hair and it also cleans our bodies from inside. There are 70% of our bodies’ mass made of water, so that many doctors advise to drink 8 glasses of water a day to fulfill the necessary requirements which our bodies demand.
“Advantages of drinking water which will help you to live a healthy life”
1. Water cleans your body: drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning helps to remove any toxins from your colon.
2. Drinking water helps in creating new cells: your body create new cells everyday, drinking water helps in the production of these new cells and aids your muscles to grow.
3. Water helps you to avoid putting on too much weight: if you are one of those people who have a huge appetite and eat in large quantities, so you have to drink more water to fill up your stomach and that will make you eat lesser food.
4. Water makes you to look younger: drinking enough quantities of water everyday helps in moisturizing your skin, keeps it fresh and prevents dryness, spots and wrinkles.
5. Water helps to improve your ability to think and to be more energetic.
6. A study conducted in the Loma Linda university in California showed that people who drink enough water a day are less likely to have a heart attack.
7. Water improves your digestive system and increases your metabolism rate.
8. Drinking enough quantities of water helps your heart to pump fresh oxygenated blood to our organs. It also reduce the risks of bladder and colon cancers.
9. Drinking plenty of water with lemon juice could fight against kidney stones, flu, intestinal problems, rheumatism, respiratory diseases and arthritis.
10. Water helps in relieving back pain and headaches.