
SpongeBop SquarePants Animation

SpongeBop SquarePants is an American animated character in a television series. This series focuses on the adventures of this character and his friends in the fictional underwater city. This cartoon is created by the animator and marine biologist Stephen Hillenburg. He created it while studying and teaching the marine biology and during this period he became interested in animation, he left the institute to achieve his dream to be animator.







Spongebob-Rainbow American Animation Anime

Spongebob-spongebob squarepants

spongebob squarepants

The series become very people among kids all over the world and it becomes the most watched show in Nickelodeon and MTV networks. Hillenburg choose the name of SpongeBoy at first, but when he knew that this name is already in use for a mop product; he change it to SpongeBop and the SquarePants as a family name which refer to the square shape of the character and this name had a good ring. This animated series becomes known and it has been nominated for almost twenty Annie awards and eleven Emmy awards; it has won an Emmy and six Annies. This series is very popular among kids and they watch it very carefully; it could teach them through messages into episodes.


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Ghostbuster Squarepants

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Maria Olson

Maria Olson is a freelance writer with over five years of experience. She specializes in writing about many lifestyle topics including travel and culture, and her work has been published in many worldwide magazines. Maria holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism has received several awards for her writing. When she's not writing, Maria enjoys exploring new destinations and trying new foods. She is also an avid photographer and has captured stunning images from her travels around the world. Check her articles to learn more about her upcoming projects.
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