Shiba Inu is a Japanese dog breed that originated in Japan and is also known as Japanese Shiba Inu, Japanese Small Size Dog, and Shiba Ken but the most common name that is usually used to refer to this dog breed is Shiba. Shiba Inu is one of the most ancient dog breeds that still exist in our world till now. It is small and agile which makes it capable of living in different areas with mountainous terrain and allows it to run quickly making it perfect for hunting.
There are some people who confuse Shiba Inu with other Japanese dog breeds such as Hokkaido and Akita Inu because of the similarities that can be found between these Japanese dog breeds but in fact, Shiba Inu is totally different from other Japanese dog breeds in the temperament, bloodline, and size since the Shiba Inu is the smallest dog breed that can be found in Japan.
♦ What about the appearance of Shiba Inu & its characteristics?
Shiba Inu’s weight and height differ according to the gender as the male’s weight is 10 kg (22 lb) and the height ranges from 35-43 cm (14-17 in), while the female’s weight is just 8 kg (18 lb) and the height ranges from 33-41 cm (13-16 in). Shiba Inu has a double coat and its fur is short on different parts of the body including the legs, ears, and face. The Shiba Inu’s face is like the fox’s face and its coat comes in various colors such as red, black and tan, sesame and white, or cream.
♦ What about Shiba Inu’s temperament?
Shiba Inu is independent, affectionate, loyal, reserved towards strangers, and sometimes aggressive. It has the ability to interact with cats and is good when it lives alone in your home without the existence of other small dogs or even your young children. This means that it is essential for you to start training your Shiba Inu dog at an early age especially in the area of obedience and socialization.
♦ How to take care of your Shiba Inu?
Shiba Inu is fastidious and is like cats since it likes to be always clean and you can easily notice this when you see it licking its legs and paws. Being fastidious helps you to easily train your Shiba Inu and you will find that Shiba Inu puppies are not difficult to housebreak. Shiba Inu puppies can also housebreak themselves and all that you need to teach your Shiba Inu puppy toileting in an appropriate way is to take it outside your home after meals and naps which seems to be easy for you, unlike other dogs that you know.